Hi everyone! I am Ava and I will be presenting the award from now on! Congratulations! The following poets have won the Perfect Poet award for Week 50...
(In no particular order)
Cherlyn (Accepted)
Jacqui Binford-Bell (Accepted)
Miss Kitten (Accepted)
Cinnamon Blues (Accepted)
Nadira (Accepted)
The Tickly Turtle(Accepted)
Becca Givens (Accepted)
Charles Mashburn (Accepted)
Melissa Ridley Elmes (Accepted)
Daydreamertoo (Accepted)
Manoj Kewalramani (Accepted)
Ina (Accepted)
Fiveloaf (Accepted)
poetryroad (Accepted)
Leo (Accepted)
debi (Accepted)
Magdalena Herman(Accepted)
Larry Meredith (Accepted)
Source of Inspiration (Accepted)
Lord Emmanuel (Accepted)
Rules to Accept the Award:
- Put the logo on your blog under your poets rally entry or any poem post before or on next rally.
- Post a poem (or a Haiku) under the logo.
- Tag The Poetry Palace to link back to This Award Post.
- Nominate One Previous Participant or current participant and you're done!
- Please copy and paste your acceptance post link in the comments section of post.
A sample award acceptance is linked here:
Congrats to all who won!
Please leave your acceptance link in the comment section after you take it.
lovely job, Ava.
Thank you!
I am honored to accept the award! Here is my acceptance:
I would like to nominate Black Swan for the next award.
I am honored, thank you for the reward.
Acceptance: http://mendozajanrae.wordpress.com/2011/09/03/for-my-princess/
An honor for sure! Thank you.
Gee...hope I did everything right. :-)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Acceptance post:
And I would love to nominate:
Thank you soooo much!
I nominate Becca Givens
Here is my acceptance link!
Congrats to everyone!
Thank you! I am both pleased and honoured to accept the award!
Here is my acceptance:
For week 51 I would like to nominate:
Dennis N. O'Brien
I am thrilled and honoured to accept the award. Thank you!
Here is my acceptance:
For Week 51 I would like to nominate:
I am very honored and humbled to receive this award. Thank you so much. Here is my acceptance link:
Congratulations to all my fellow recipients!
Thank you for this award! I am honored in receiving it.
Acceptance link: http://ticklyturtle.wordpress.com/awards/
I would like to nominate Fiveloaf.
Congrats to all fellow awardees. ^_^
Thank you very much for the award!
This is my acceptance post: http://inaweblogisback.wordpress.com/2011/09/02/unseen-by-love/
I nominate Adnan Fakir
we will take record on your acceptance, thanks for the patience.
Happy Weekend.
I've posted the award on my rally week #50 Blog, added a Haiku as a thank you and nominated the poet Quills for rally #51
Thank you so much for the award. I feel very honoured and blessed.
Thank you for the award.
My acceptance:
I nominate:
Larry Eugene Meredith
Thank you for the honor. My link is http://binford-bellstudio.blogspot.com/2011/08/canyon-celebration_20.html
I nominate Miss Kitten
For those of you who have taken the award, we will write down and have you recorded, sorry for being unable to make a comment to your post instantly...
Thanks for the patience.
Thank you for the honor ... I accept! I am out of town on a bus tour with my 91 yr mom ... with limited internet ... will make acceptance post and nomination asap!! Thank you! :-)
This is just awesome! Thank you so much :) Here's my acceptance.
Thank You very much. Here's the link of acceptance. http://lordemmanuel.wordpress.com/2011/09/04/perfect-poet-award/
I nominate Elaine @ http://elainedanforth.wordpress.com/
Kindly ignore/remove my previous acceptance posting~ Didn't know i have to link back to the poem i entered for rally 50 or am i wrong again? anyway, here's my new acceptance link. http://fiveloaf.wordpress.com/2011/09/04/the-perfect-poet-award-wk-50/
my choice poet for wk 51- http://tekia.wordpress.com
I am pleased and honored to accept this award. Thank you all so much!
I would like to nominate Abby Kelly for week 51. http://www.benjity.wordpress.com/
Thank you so much for the recognition. Here is my acceptance.
Thank you for the award - I want to accept it but I'm not sure which post it is for. I have been on a little vacation for a few weeks so someone must have linked my site for me (thank you haha lol). If it's not for any post in particular, I'll add my acceptance to my next post which should be thursday if that's all right. :)
Thank you for the award. My acceptance link is http://lemoldman.blogspot.com/2011/08/friendly-gatherings.html.
I hope i did this all correctly.
I've nominated Kay Salady. http://kaysalady.wordpress.com
Accepted and nominated under this post.
It was my rally entry for Wk50. Thanks!
Thank you! I accept: http://magdalenahermanstories.wordpress.com/2011/08/30/let-it-go-on-the-seashore/ :)
hello.. long time no see.. Thank you very much for the award.... I'm honored. hope it is not too late to accept.
Thank you very much. It surprises me, really. ^^
Here is my acceptance post.
Thank you thank you.
My acceptance http://lettersfrompaper.wordpress.com/2011/08/01/want-vs-need/
And I would pretty please like to nominate Jacsprat.
Hi, thanks for the award,
I nominate Ava
Acceptance posted and nomination made:
Thank you for this honor!
Hi Ava,Thanks a ton to the Poetry Palace for this award – Anthony.
Here is my acceptance:http://antomaniax.wordpress.com/2011/08/14/posies/
Hi, Ava, and thank you so much for the honor of this award, which I accept: http://caridwen.wordpress.com/2011/08/15/the-extent-of-a-love-drafting/
for some reason, I could not upload the image,
but appreciate your honor.
for week 51, I nominate
Jamie Dedes,
Thanks for the efforts.
Thank you! Sorry for the delay, but my acceptance post is here:
and I nominated Nefarious X
Ava/Jingle.. have accepted the PPA badge and given a comment earlier too. please change status to Accepted..
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