Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Agreement for Thursday Poets Rally Week 57 (December 1-7, 2011)

Greetings, Welcome to Thursday Poets Rally Week 57.

Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 57  (December 1-December 7, 2011)

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally Week 57:

#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 57 original? Please say YES or NO.

#2: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, including participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.

#3: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:

1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you from participants list. You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.

#4: If you are nominated for The Perfect Poet Award, are you going to accept the award, following the rules to post a poem and nominate another previous participant? Please say YES or NO. To avoid frustration, AVa  awards those who said YES…

#5: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.


Please answer all 5 questions, participants can simply scroll down to visit participants from this list to meet requirement…you can visit the perfect poet award winners if you wish…Let us know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…

Please feel free to visit the perfect poet award winners for week 56 via the link below:

The linkz will remain open for an entire week, take your time, do make at least 18 comments to your peers and LEAVE A COMMENT under this post to let us know after you are done.  ;)

One Quality Entry is preferred, Thanks a Lot!


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...


Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...

As always, yeses across the board :)

Becky Sain said...

I'm in..

Daydreamertoo said...

Will do to all questions. :)
Thanks for the prompt.

Vignesh Iyer said...

Yes to all.. :D

Anonymous said...

Happy Rally -- yes to all!

The Orange Tree said...

yes, will try hard this time to comment.

Happy Rally.

Melissa Ridley Elmes said...

Happy rally! Yes to all questions. :o)

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Yes to all questions, and happy to be here for another rally!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Happy Rally.

The Poet said...

Thanks for the reminder invite.
Yes of course to everything.

Have a great week ahead everyone.


Vinay Leo R. said...

agree to the clauses... happy rally.

btw, i did complete the 18 hops last rally too, but i hadn't intimated. sorry...

poetryroad said...

Yes to all! Happy to be seems to be slowing down for me!!

Happy Rally! I have missed all of you!

The Orange Tree said...

welcome, poetryroad.

have fun in the rally.

The Noiseless Cuckooclock said...


mostly, no award.

Happy Rally.

tigercity said...

yes, si, oui, evet, da..

my latest poem entitled "Storm in a teacup" is an attempt to capture sensuality in words..

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and, er... yes.

Daydreamertoo said...

Yes to all questions now :)

Anonymous said...

Could you define what is meant by a negative comment? If I were to say something like "this statement doesn't make sense to me." Is that negative. If I disagree with a point in a poem, is that considered negative? I almost feel like dialog is being limited and everyone is directed to just say "great, wonderful, really liked this." Poetry is an art, so that elicits emotions. The rules here are cumbersome for me, so I really can't participate, but I would be interested in having more information.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all! (And to ananchorage feel free to write anything on my poems--aside from hate speech I want all kinds of feedback. My favorite is constructive criticism)

Shadiatique said...

Great Yes to all ;)

Anjum Wasim Dar said...


William Leed said...

Yes to all.

JBinford-Bell said...

Yes, to all the agreements.

Happy Rally

William Leed said...

I am done my 18 plus comments and will continue to enjoy as new ones keep posting. Thanks.

Alcina said...

I agree to all the terms and conditions :)

Alcina said...

Done reading and commenting on more than 18 of them :)

Happy rally to all

P.S.-It's always a pleasure to read the works submitted :)

~bless you~

Anonymous said...

On the verge of doing all 5 task :D ...

Happy rally to all

Isadora said...

Yes to all Rally questions .. I am looking forward to reading all of the fabulous writers who participate.
thanks for another invite ...
in the interest of time I am submitting a short story that had been entered into other challanges but fits into this Rally free write. Thanks again for your support ....
Happy Rally to All ... !!!

Unknown said...

Happy Rally ~ Yes to all!!

The Noiseless Cuckooclock said...

Done 18+ commentimng.

Happy Rally.

Jennifaye said...

Yes to all questions. Count me in! :)

Anonymous said...

Done! :) And now my back hurts. Teehee! Happy Rally, nonetheless.

emma said...

Yes and yes to all questions. I appreciate the invite...looking forward to reading some great poetry!

Anonymous said...

I accept the terms, glad to be here this week :)

irene the bean said...



Oak Creek Ranch said...

All done and Yes to everything. Some great stuff this week.

Unknown said...

Yes to all and thnx for the invite

shail said...

Done :)

Rohit_blogger at said...

link no 108(Rohit)

off to visiting my peers..

Old Raven said...

Thank you for the reminder ... I am done.

Anonymous said...

Done ~~ what a great week!

marit said...

in! starting to comment now! :)

Judith C Evans said...

Yes to all of #1-5 in agreement. Good to be back!

tarunima said...

yes to all:)

Scarlet said...

Yes, to all ~

Kay said...

Yes. Happy weekend and happy rally to everyone. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Yes and done :)

poetryroad said...

Hello! I am done!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes and yes to all! Happy rally!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I say, Yes! Happy to be back!

Miss Kitten said...

I will do my best to fulfill all five requirements.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

officially done my 18+,

Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...

Done; fabulous entries this week!

Anonymous said...

Done!!! Happy Rally to all....

Anonymous said...

all done with my 18 visits.

Also, a few of you I have visited limit your replies to blogger users alone, apologies if you think I have not visited but I am not able to due to your preset settings.

Judith C Evans said...

Did my 18, but I plan to keep reading and commenting!

Suzy said...

Yes to all and 18 done! Suzy #143

Miss Kitten said...

And I'm done! I definitely plan on continuing to read, though. Some good pieces this week!

Anonymous said...

Gladly yes to all five!

Anonymous said...

Done! *smile* Great to be here again and to read all the lovely entries!

Anonymous said...

Done! Wonderful rally, everyone!

poetryroad said...

All done!!!

Nel said...

Yes to all. =) Off to read some new stuff.

Unknown said...

Lost count but done :)

JBinford-Bell said...

Done or not done. Completed the agreement on reads but will no doubt be back

Neha said...

Done :)

WyomingDiva said...

Yes to all - thank you for continuing to invite me while I was off in NaNoWriMo land last month!

The Poet said...

It's Andy #19. All done with 18+, but I usually keep on reading until my eyes hurt.

Thanks for always putting in the time to bring us all together for the Rally!

For ref:

Kay said...

Yes, of course, I'm done.

Nel said...

Done with 18 comments (and then some). =)

I hope everyone's having a great week and rally. :)

rosie@mygardenhaven said...

Done. The ones I read are good reads, not overly serious. I enjoyed them all.

Teresa Marie said...

I think that I'm done - just wanted to mention that I am still having problems with my blogger comments not going through :( but I do try :) Blessings, Terri

Anonymous said...

Yes, to all.

I look forward to participating in the rally and reading all the entries.


Anonymous said...

Completed my commitments.

Great reads!


Renee said...

I agree to all requirements and have begun to make comments on sites. Question? Do you need to complete reading all 18 sites before you post/submit or can you just post already? If so, does it have to be a new post or can it be one you have done today? I do see there is a link at the bottom of this page. Thanks! Sorry, I'm new here.

Renee said...

I have completed reading of 18 sites. Nice to see so many new poets.

Melissa (Ridley Elmes) said...

Phew!! Done! :o) A lot of great stuff this week!

Purvi said...

Thanks for the award. Done my part of reading the amazing works and commenting. Read more than 18 blogs and posted comments. :)

emma said...

Enjoyed it, officially done

The Orange Tree said...


happy rally.

Shadiatique said...

Great job and very very good poems here. I'm not going to submit this week my thanks to all the poets that visited me lately and to The poetry Place.

Happy holidays everyone.

The Nefarious X said...

Done, I think I am number 39 this week. some great stuff this week.

Anonymous said...

wow, what a fest for poetry rally.

hyde park poetry week 155, Lake City Bank VS Flag Star bank, which one is more attractive?

        lake city bank  862 E Jefferson Street,  Plymouth, IN 46563         flag star bank 901 W State Blvd,  Fort Wayne, IN 46808     6535...