Saturday, January 7, 2012

Inspiration of the Week 10

Hello, Happy 2012!  Grins!

Welcome to The Poetry Palace and "Inspiration of the week". There are so much talent wthin the blogsphere and this week I have visited a blog that I am sure will inspire the others talented poets. I am Chimnese and it's a pleasure to be with you.

Grandma, Let Me Tell You A Secret
 by Elaine Danforth

Grandma, let me tell you a secret. . .
I whispered,
With my little mouth
Into the big phone
That I held with both baby hands
Near my baby cheek. . .

(If I said it in a whisper,
It was a secret,
Or so I thought)

I love you,
I whispered. . .

I can still see
In my mind’s eye,
Being in her house
After she was gone,
When I was only two. . .

How could I understand
That I would not
See her again?

Please Prepare to Join Thursday Poets Rally week 60, 

next Wednesday, 10am, on the 11th of January!

A Free Verse Is Accepted, Every Poet Is Welcome!


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

I do enjoy his poetry, Chimnese,

Hope all is well with you.
excellent job.

emanita01 said...

What a truly lovely poem! Thank you <3

Geraldine said...

Touching, sad...made me think of my beloved grandma, miss her so much.

Please vote for Mr. Cheddar:

BragonDorn said...

Very inspirational indeed! Thank you!

Chim's World of Literature said...

Thanks guys this poem certainly brought back memories for me as well.

hyde park poetry thursday poets rally week 164, places to Visit This Coming July Month

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