Sunday, January 29, 2012

Perfect Poet Award Week 61

Welcome amazing and talented poets to another week of The Perfect Poet Award! Happy Lunar New Year and congratulations to the following:

Rules to Accept the Award:

§         Put the logo on your blog under your poets rally entry or any poem post before or on next rally.
§         Post a poem (or a Haiku) under the logo.
§         Tag The Poetry Palace to link back to This Award Post.
§         Nominate One Previous Participant or current participant and leave the nominees link to their blog and you're done!
§         Please copy and paste your acceptance post link in the comments section of post.

A sample award acceptance is linked here:


Oak Creek Ranch said...

Thanks for the award! My acceptance link is here:

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

oh, man you give one to me, smiles...

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

award taken, double thanks, Ava.

Susie Clevenger said...

Thank you so much for the award.
Here is my link.

I nominate lolamouse at

br!nDle said...

Thank you very much for the Award...Here is my link ...
and i have nominated Andy...:)

The Poet said...

Congratulations to all the winners!
Thanks a lot for the award Ava.
I humbly accept & nominate Shreya

Here is my link:
Kingship Of Love

Anonymous said...

Award received and accepted. Thank you and congrats to all those who won as well. ^_^ :

Anonymous said...

thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for this award :) Here is my acceptance
I nominate mirror mosaic of sounds for the next award (

Reggie said...

Thank you Ava and congrats to all who nomination is linked on my acceptance post

Anonymous said...

I accept and mine is here:

Thank you everyone1 :)

robin said...

thank you, i accept! :) i thought i already accepted... (but i guess my comment didn't post. here is my acceptance:

Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone for the support. I will be missing for a short while but look forward to reading everyone’s work and sharing my new works. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Accepted with gratitude. Only one more month to go...

Alcina said...

I am so sorry got very late in accepting the award..Finally have and here is my link:

Thank you so much Ava ^_^

hyde park poetry Poetry Palace week 150, Sweet Suzhou 苏州 and Beautiful Wuping 武平   七月的古城,活力四射。 白墙黛瓦、吴侬软语、小桥流水……苏州平江历史文化街区,游人如织热闹非凡, 历史与现代在此交融生辉 ,,,  苏报记者 胡毓菁 李浛芃 北京音乐学院  ...