Sunday, January 1, 2012

Perfect Poet Award Week 59

Happy New Year aspiring poets! Welcome to 2012! To ring in the new year let's recognize a few poets for their hard work:




Yun Yi  










Eliza Keller


 C Rose  


Dennis Go   

Rules to Accept the Award:

§         Put the logo on your blog under your poets rally entry or any poem post before or on next rally.
§         Post a poem (or a Haiku) under the logo.
§         Tag The Poetry Palace to link back to This Award Post.
§         Nominate One Previous Participant or current participant and leave the nominees link to their blog and you're done!
§         Please copy and paste your acceptance post link in the comments section of post.

A sample award acceptance is linked here:


The Orange Tree said...

Ava dear,

perfect job, love the award image, smiles.

Happy New Year.

JBinford-Bell said...

My, my this was a surprise.

Anonymous said...

I am deeply honoured and will gladly accept this award! I will comply with the rules later on this week, once I'm back from my wonderful holidays!!! Thank you very much!

Kateri said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Bookmarking yours and hope to link up as I write poetry. Thanks for the invitation to participate!

poetryroad said...

Thanks for the honor of the award!

I nominate:

Cheers to 2012!

Anonymous said...

shail said...

The link here goes to my other blog. I post poetry here:

Will you please edit it? Thank you!
Happy New Year!
Thanks for the award :)

shail said...

My acceptance post :)

Nithin RS said...

thanks for your invitation!

this is my post. Happy New Year!

KevinLamb said...

Anonymous said...

Many thanks, I will post my acceptance shortly!

Sasha A. Palmer said...

Hi! Thank you so much! I do accept, I will post on my blog shortly.

I want to nominate Lilly's "Lumiere."

Thank you again, and have a great day, everyone!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the award. Blessed year everyone. My acceptance is here:

Sasha A. Palmer said...

My post is up, thank you again!

Jeannette, said...

Hello! Happy New Year! Thank you so much for this award. I accept it gladly with this post:

i nominate Andy...

Olive Tree said...

Thank you very much for the award. I accept it and nominate Daydreamer Too at Soul Speak. Here's my post.

Unknown said...

wow, you humble me with the honor. Happy to accept and give my best to all the poets in this community for the constant support and inspiration! All my best to you in the new year my friends! ~ Rose

Raivenne said...

Thank you so much, what a pleasant way to start of the New Year!

I accept the award and nominate Life Between The Lines - If but a fairytale

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for another award, it really does mean a lot.

My acceptance post:

And my nomination, The Happy Amateur:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thank you so much! I do accept this award. I will post on my blog shortly.

Bodhirose said...

Many thanks for this award and recognition. Here is the link to my acceptance:

Happy New Year and much gratitude for such a supportive and gracious group to be a part of!


Anonymous said...

Reggie said...

I was not expecting all. I do accept this award and will post my acceptance soon.
Thank you so very much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Here is my link and nomination.

Alcina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yun Yi said...

Thanks! Happy new year!
Here is my acceptance:

Kay said...

Congratulations, Jacqui! I voted for you! Congrats to everyone. You're all so wonderful! Happy New Year and happy writing!

Maitreyee Bhattacharjee Chowdhury said...

Thanks is the acceptance link

Isadora said...

Honored and appreciative of this award. It is lovely. Thank you. This is the submission:

I have nominated CCChampagne:

Scarlet said...

Thank you for the encouragement and award.

Here is my link :

Reggie said...

Here is the link to my acceptance post.

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank whoever nominated me. But I am unable to accept this time around. I haven't entered a rally in quite some time do to my busy schedule , so I don't even know how I got nominated. But I would like to thank you all and offer my continued support to the rally organizers and participants. I hope to join back in next month.

Thoughts Not Lost said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful award, here is my acceptance post:

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Dear All at Promising Poets Parking Lot, Jingle, Poetry Palace
Ava~ Thank You so much for the Recognition.
Please accept my deep gratitude.I am honored and happy.

iLiveForSleep said...

I might be too late, but I still wanted to thank you for this. So, Thank you!

Tweety said...

I have accepted the award. Sorry for being late

amira said...

Accepted humbly. left a comment here earlier too.

Here is my acceptance post

yulistya dey said...

Thank you. :) I still have eight more poets to visit, after that, I'm going to take this award officially. :)

Anonymous said...

My acceptance post and nomination for RoughWaterJohn the Pirate is done! Thank you for this honor, and congratulations to all the amazing poets.

Teresa Marie said...

Congratulations to all!! A fine list of deserving poets indeed :)

The Poet said...

Thank you Ava, The Poetry Palace community & everyone who nominated me.
Congratulations to Wk59 winners!
Thanks for the award. I truly appreciate it.

I nominate Anshul Gautam. My acceptance & nomination can be found here:

Anonymous said...

Thank you and my acceptance can be found here:
I will nominate someone once I dive into the poetic ocean and drown...

Elaine Danforth said...

Sorry for being such a straggler here. Hope I can still accept the award. I had technical difficulties with formatting the acceptance post, or I would have accepted long ago. I haven't solved them yet, but will link you to the post anyway.

Thank you to the administrators and all participants for being your wonderfully expressive selves and for coming together in this beautiful online poets' community.

I appreciate your recognition of my work, and really enjoy reading yours.Here's my very belated acceptance post:

hyde park poetry Poetry Palace week 150, Sweet Suzhou 苏州 and Beautiful Wuping 武平   七月的古城,活力四射。 白墙黛瓦、吴侬软语、小桥流水……苏州平江历史文化街区,游人如织热闹非凡, 历史与现代在此交融生辉 ,,,  苏报记者 胡毓菁 李浛芃 北京音乐学院  ...