Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Week 71 The Perfect Poet List: Enjoy!

Image Credit:, on Jordan Wolf, Spirit Golf Court ...
The Perfect Poet Award At Poetry Rally Week 71...


Hello everyone and welcome to a new week of the Perfect Poet Award Ceremony!! This is Aya Wilson, and I will be presenting the award this fine afternoon. Congratulations to all who won!!!!!



Anonymous said...


welcome and have fun in the rally.


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

happy for y'all.


Bubba said...

Congrats to all the winners!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the recognition. Congratulations to all the winners -- very deserving. Great to have the rally return. Will post my acceptance and nomination soon.

patcegan said...

Thank you for the honor that you bestow on Source of Inspiration with this award. hugs, pat

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the award I would like to nominate Dunstan Carter

Miss Kitten said...

Thank you so much for the award. Here is the link to my acceptance:

It would be my pleasure to nominate K Shawn Edgar for the next award.

Kodjo Deynoo said...

Congrats to all others who won a good company to be in

Anonymous said...


well deserved award for cool poets.

JBinford-Bell said...

Thanks for the honor.

Anonymous said...

honorable mentions and honors to those who deserve.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much--what an honor to be invited to the "winners circle", and what a circle it is! Congratulations, everyone--including those not listed here yet! Here is my acceptance post and nomination:

dakshi said...

Thank you so much for the Award. I accept it, here's the link.

I nominate Wendell A. Brown ( the next award.

Maggie said...

Gosh, what a lovely surprise. Thanks, so much.

Anonymous said...

here is my acceptance link.

Anonymous said...

here is my acceptance link,

for week 72, i nominate taylor kong Boomer at Sunset Beach ...

Anonymous said...

take it, thanks to aya wilson.

Pamela Ken Drummond Chuck Robbins said...

perfect pitch.

keep the ball tossing.

Anonymous said...

perfect circle of friends and poets. who share.

Iremonger Lindsay JacoBus Quinlan Pickens said...

amazing list.

Malia Craig Tagg Lawrence Page said...

lovely award.

Lotie Bollag Mosher Kloppenburg Romney said...


how magical this is.

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Thank you!
I would like to nominate Raivenne.

Anonymous said...

amazing list.

Anonymous said...

smiling award and perfect list.

Anonymous said...

award accepted, here is my link,
for week 72, I nominate Morton Monica Evans!

Anonymous said...

Acceptance post:
Myriad of Dreams

hyde park poetry Poetry Palace week 150, Sweet Suzhou 苏州 and Beautiful Wuping 武平   七月的古城,活力四射。 白墙黛瓦、吴侬软语、小桥流水……苏州平江历史文化街区,游人如织热闹非凡, 历史与现代在此交融生辉 ,,,  苏报记者 胡毓菁 李浛芃 北京音乐学院  ...