Sunday, March 5, 2023

hyde park poetry palace on thursdays week 129, international poetry month in april, april 1 ---april 31, 2023, 11th year,





the time and the hour glass

the earth and the moon

the man ad the woman

thoughts hide in blink of eyes


none of us laugh too loud,

none of us speak too much, 

the cold air passes by the window span

the dreams make one shake


the hands are black 

the palms are white

the water drops from  himalaya mountain

the fitbit, the miso soup, they merge to a perfect spot





Charlene Delfin said...

It has awesome rhymes!

Anonymous said...

blogging is nice.

hyde park poetry Poetry Palace week 150, Sweet Suzhou 苏州 and Beautiful Wuping 武平   七月的古城,活力四射。 白墙黛瓦、吴侬软语、小桥流水……苏州平江历史文化街区,游人如织热闹非凡, 历史与现代在此交融生辉 ,,,  苏报记者 胡毓菁 李浛芃 北京音乐学院  ...