Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Agreement for Thursday Poets Rally Week 38 (Feb 17 - Feb 23)

Hello, This is Leo from I Rhyme Without Reason, I am co-hosting Thursday Poets Rally with Jingle starting week 38!
Welcome to Thursdays Poets’ Rally week 38 ( February 17-23, 2011)

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally week 38
#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 38 original? Please say YES or NO.
#2: Your entry shall be written for Thursday Poets Rally week 38, if you enter your piece to another online meme in the future or have done so previously, please let me know and mention it in your entry post. Please say YES or NO, thanks.
#3: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, Jingle, Leo, the hosts, and other Poets Rally officials or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.
#4: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:

1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you either from participants list or from fresh poets to explore list. You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.

#5: If you have answered YES to the FOUR questions above, now you are expected to keep your words. Once you fulfill your weekly requirement, you are formally a participant. Our official Blaga at Scent of My Heart will honor your work by posting your entry poem on Promising Poets’ Parking Lot, (Blogger home), Do you want your entry poem to be published on this site? YES or No, please answer. (This is optional, no punishment for saying NO)

#6: If you are nominated for The Perfect Poet Award, are you going to accept the award, following the rules to post a poem and nominate another previous participant? Please say YES or NO. To avoid frustration, Jingle awards those who said YES…

#7: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.

Please answer all 7 questions, First time participants can simply scroll down to visit participants from this list to meet requirement…you can visit the perfect poet award winners via Jingle’s blog if you wish…Let me or Jingle know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…

Poets Rally Officials, Jingle, Leo, Jamie Dedes, Olivia, Uma, Riika, Aleza, Kavita and Blaga welcome your active participation and contribution, the linkz will stay open for an entire week, take your time and enjoy!

One quality entry per poet is accepted!


Rajlakshmi said...


glad to be back in Rally :D

Anonymous said...

Yes x 7. So glad to be back! :)

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

Thanks a ton, Olivia,
you cutest girl.

Yes to all 7 questions.

Shashidhar Sharma said...

Not able to post in the link...

Om Namah Shivaya

Anonymous said...

yes to all Questions :)
And will be abck soon to let you know of the poets read and liked :)

Anonymous said...

Yes to all...this was surely missed..:-)
My link:

Olivia said...

@ Shashi:

Sorry about this- we will link you here soon!

Maggie said...

Yes to all. Can't link, either.

Hey, Old Man Winter!

Anonymous said...

I am not able to link in my poem too. :(
Here is my link.

Anonymous said...

and m linkin my poemm sooonn :P :P
happyyy rally Leooooo good to see u on board :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

I am in, thank you for the reminder email. I had to type my link in and could not paste, maybe others could do the same :)

I agree to the terms, original, will support, will accept, etcetera :)

Anonymous said...

Also unable to post the link but here is

really glad to be back Thanks Olivia for your invite and motivation :)

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Yes to all...but I am unable to post the link. So I will post it here: ROCK.

Uma Anandane said...

Hi,I am yes to all
I cant post my link in your blog through add link.

My post

Anonymous said...

m unable to add my link through links :( :(
kindly check
for now here;s my link

Anonymous said...

yes to all, also unable to link

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...


we have a tech issue, I will link you to my owrdpress blog post so far, thanks...

Anonymous said...

Thanks much Olivia for your motivation and the constant reminders.

been trying to comment as well and it's quite some hurdles to go through please include the name/url option in the 'comment as' section.

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

I agree to all seven. Happy poem making all!

Anonymous said...

Hey y'all!!!
Apologies from all of us here for the inconvenience caused...

Some of the linking-in concerns have been fixed now!!! Yaaaayyy...
So I would request you to please try linking in (if not already done) just once more... We are right here to get things going!!!

Once again, a HUGE thanks for your patience...

Lots of love,

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

I clicked, it works FINE!

wow, You Rock, Kavita.

Now, can we just show name only as JP does, another challenge to figure out.


Jingle, I bow to you.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

I fixed the columns and removed the links from being shown, it is cool looking now,

Happy Rally, everyone!

Jingle appreciates your support.



Anonymous said...

Yes to all and here's mine:

Unknown said...

Yaaayyy, Ji!!
Names only look AWESOME!!!

Thank you, sweetie!!

HAPPY RALLYING, everyone!!! :D :D

Jingle said...

We girls do have a brain,


Thanks for the invaluable input.


Olivia said...

That's exactly why you rock Ji.....

This is so easy on eyes and not confusing where to click!!

Darn neat this one is..

Unknown said...

hahahahah!! Love you, Ji!!

Peeps, enjoyyyyy this partyyyyyy!!!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Olivia and Kavita,

you two are heroines today.


Happy Rally.

Unknown said...

So are we all!! (and not just today... hehehe)

Anonymous said...

Yes, to all questions and Yayyyy, for Rally being back! Bravo to the girls that dealt with the posts tonight!

Thoughts Not Lost said...

Jingle--thanks to a day off work, I have already read 18 wonderful poems as part of this Rally.

Can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

Yeppers from me! Happy rally folks!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree to all requirements. So nice to be joining in again--thank you. I was able to link in just fine. But here's my entry again:

Happy Rally to all!

Gayle ~

Someone is Special said...

Yes to all... Hmm thanks for updating my link..

Someone is Special

LeiffyV said...

No to the first, yes to the rest!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful new site Jingle! I answer yes to all the questions for this week's poetry rally. I'll add my link as well.

Anonymous said...

Hey fellow poetasters,
Yes to all!

robin ellen lucas said...

yes, just written 2 minutes ago for you...

just here for now. yes.

yes, i love this community and all the comments.

gladly.. amazing poets here, i can't help but comment. yes

yes. thank you.

definitely.. yes


Maggie said...

I have honored my word and have read and commented on over 18 poems.

It has been terrific to read so many glorious contributions.

The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said...

Thanks for the reminder (email)... Yeah, I forgot about this... So am really glad upon reading your reminder..

Well, I have linked up mine @52 Remember Me(S.Pike) in the list... :)

It is an old poem though, written last year but a rich meaningful one which I am putting it up again for sharing..

And yeah, certainly yes for all your questions.. going to check others out now.. :) Will be back once I am done.. :)

Cloaked Monk (aka Terri) said...

I look forward to reading your entries! Unfortunately, I am super busy with school (I am a grad student) this week and my time for creation is limited. I will live vicariously through y'all.


Rachel Hoyt said...

Yes x7... It's nice to be back! I hope you enjoy my latest attempt at a new poem form. :)

Imbiciles Turn Criminal

Celestial Dreamz said...

yes x 7

love being a part of the group. and so many wonderful poems to read.

The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said...

Alright there, I am done.. All 18 of them.. you know who you are.. :P :P

and I will return for more... So many wonderful and rich poems.. :)

See you guys around..

Olivia said...

Hey Ji...

Thankyou for your kind words!

My heartfelt Thanks to Aleza who kept linking the poets despite sitting in her office- quite discretely!!

I guess all of us rocks- we make one hell of a team!!

Ji, you happen to be the lead heroine, without your encouraging support, it won't have been possible!

We are all connected through this site of yours.. After it's comeback, we did a great re- union.. ;)

Again, all of us rock.. wooohooo!!!

budh.aaah said...

Good to be back. To all of you who have been there through the thick and thin, supported me whether or not I came and did the same for you :( I want to say sorry -for not being around (it might continue for a while yet -bad place to be where I am right now) and 'thank you'for your kindness and support. You guys rock! Love you all.

budh.aaah said...


Thanks a ton guys.

Anonymous said...

Discrete linking is fun! Team work is the best!

Anonymous said...

yes to all ji.. but wouldn't it be simpler to advice all participants not to link in if they do not condone to your preset rules instead of writing this in your comment? (just a thought) anyway, in case my link did not appear, here it is again..

Olivia said...

Yeah Aleza..

I wonder what would have happened had you been not around.. love you lady xxx

Happy Rally

Olivia said...

@ Fiveloaf: your entry shows up alrite!!

Thank you for suggesting this- there are poets who haven't linked; however saying it in comment is always best for sound understanding.. :)
No ambiguity!!

Happy Rally Dear One xx

Linn said...

Yes to every question! I really love the new layout of this site :) Kudos to all the poets on here! xx

Rashmi said...

Yes to 7...
Nice looking with more order..
Happy rally !!!!!!!

Marlee-I Mystic said...

I agree to all of the above and have linked in :)

Chim's World of Literature said...

i agree with all above too, i also add my link...

KidTFLC said...

Yes to all of them!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all....posted my link. Now do I just start looking and commenting? I'm a newbie - so go easy on me. LOL!

betty silver said...

Yes X 7.
Thanks for the invite :)

Lolamouse said...

Yes to all except that I did submit my poem to the Haiku Challenge as well. It's great to see you back! here's my link:

Kavita said...

Yes (7 times)...
Already onto the reading :)

An old one for today... but the weather and the company just made me link in this one :)

Enjoy, and take care...

Anonymous said...

Yes to all

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've done my 18, and the return crew have all excelled past their previous high standards. Back off to read some more of the amazing poetry.

Scott M. Frey said...

seven yesses for me :-) now to go a-visitin' and leaving some fellow poet love around the blogosphere!

thanks for the invite!

patcegan said...

Yes to all with the best of my ability. hugs, pat

Anonymous said...

Yes to all 7. Excited to participate.


Reggie said...

Yes to all

Anonymous said...

Commented on at least 18 an still reading...what great entries this rally. I am so enjoying it!


Anonymous said...

This is my first time and if I understood all the requirements - the answer is yes to all 7 ...

Chim's World of Literature said...

i completed the task...i commented my full18 comments as i came across such amazing poetry...all the ones i chose was random..i mite go and read the others too...
I am enjoying this..
Chimnese( My Poetry& Writing)

Rashmi said...

I have read 18+ ..just continuing the process...So wonderful ones...

Olivia said...

Seven times Yess.. :)
Reading through the wonderful linking here..

Happy Rally everyone..

Love xx

Harshika said...

YES TO ALL!!! :D :D :D

I already linked this on ji's post!! doing it here too :

David Agnew said...

Yes to all questions.

On my way to comment on 18 others

The Reason You Come said...

Yes to all. I missed this!

Anonymous said...

Have done 18 + but going on, I love them all.

Jingle said...

Welcome in and will mark you down as done next to your entry name,

Thanks for the patience.


JamieDedes said...

Realized belatedly that I forgot to add my affirmations to this. Sorry Ji and Leo and thank you for all your work ... and, of course, "Yes" to all seven points.

Happy Rally Days to all ...

Anonymous said...

Nominating , not sure anymore lol if I am supposed to nominate :) but this is my fav poem this rally if anyone wants to know:

The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said...

Yeah, saw it.. the (Done) is up next to the name.. That's cool.. Alright, going to continue to check others out since I having sleepless night here.. :)

Anonymous said...

done with over 18... it's so fun! :)

Paulog30 said...

Yes to all the questions!!

DuDo said...

Thanks ji, for inviting me here... was a little busy for a while. But now back on track

My answer to all the questions are yes.

here is my contribution for the poets rally week 38.



rmpWritings said...

As before my answer to all, but #2 are for #2 i promise to read 18+ but not always guarantee the commenting (still working on my silly "social anxiety in cyberspace" thing...)

anyway, i did have 64% commenting rate i'm making progress...though technically that equates to an far i've read 28...

DuDo said...

on a commenting spree :) these poets are simply superb... i cant restrict myself for just 18 comments i loved their thought flow... nice to meet them at one space...


(ji its DuDo not Dodo please do the correction hehe :P )

ScottlB said...

Done finished all 18

Anonymous said...

I am done. It was enjoyable to read some new blogs ~~

Butterflies of time said...

yes to all questions and i think i'm done commenting . thank you jingle

Unknown said...

So sorry that it has taken so long to return. I only wish I had more time for this. Thanks for coming back and expressing your kindness on my blog, Jingle. Be well..

aynsley7 said...

Yes X 7
and Finished looking at 18...
But I'm having too much fun to stop there!

Jingle said...

Will mark you down as done,

Dudo, tOuCh, Becca, Butterflies of Time, and Aynsley7..


batsick said...


I also commented on more than 18 people and my poem's here

Paulog30 said...

Have commented on 18!! Good stuff out there, very humbling indeed! Thanks for this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I am done with my 18 visits, will continue to visit some more. Thank you for all the comments, support and the award!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

marked you down as done, Lynna, and Buddh..

Many thanks for the support.

Anonymous said...

Well this time it was so easy to read 18 posts .. i surely read lot more :))

JL Dodge said...

Yes to all the questions !!hook me up !LOL

Someone is Special said...

18* is done.. If time permits I will read more.. Hmm Happy Thursday Rally..

Someone is Special

Sherry Irvine said...

yes to all 7 questions...I'm a first timer....I have commented on 18+ - including the ones that commented on mine.

Dishilicious said...

yes to all. i don't have much time to be online this week, so i'm linking the same post i linked for poetry potluck previously. hope that's ok. :)

my post is here:

Anonymous said...

Done my reading - enjoyed the fantastic entries!

Reggie said...

I've done my 18+...lots of nice reads.

teenagepoet said...

YES to all 7 questions, and I didn't specifically write this poem for the rally, but i still wish to link it, if that's okay


Lolamouse said...

Finished with 18 reads and enjoyed them all! Will probably do more! Great Rally!!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

YES to all the questions. Now heading on to do the 18 reads. :)

JL Dodge said...

I think I'm at thirteen, but I will do more tomorrow, thank you for coming to see my poems...
I have a question though, Am I supposed to tell you which one I chose for the rally, or do you chose it ? I'm new to this so I wasn't sure !
Thank you for the help !

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention I am done with 18. Thanks.

Amity said...

Yes to back and wishing to stay active na...:)

Thanks Leo, you are here too!

I will try my best to visit those who will visit me too!

Scott M. Frey said...

I've visited over 18 and I continue to go on. I cant wait for the next installment of the Rally!

Anonymous said...

Im new. I posted my link, said yes to all 7,
I have read & commented on 20 posts.
A few were so good I cried.
Do I need to do anything else?
Thank you guys for the invite.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for inviting me.
I agree to all questions in the agreement.
I have already read and commented on 20 posts.
Some even made me cry.
is there anything else I need to do?
Thank you again,

Amity said...

Hi Jingle,

Am done visiting, reading and at the same time commenting on 18 fellow bloggers' entries!

Whewww...this is an achievement for me today!

Olivia said...

D.O.N.E and counting

Lovely scoop of poetry here.. Thanks everyone for participating..

Špela said...

YES to all of them! Greets

Anonymous said...

I’ve done my 18 reads and comments.

Thanks again for inviting me to join this wonderful crowd.

Here's my entry for week 38:

JL Dodge said...

I've done my commenting on 20 ...

Anonymous said...

I'm done reading and commenting on the required 18 works. The quality of the works here are inspiring. :) Will read some more.

The Reason You Come said...

I'm done commenting on 18+. Will return favors next and read some more! :)

Chrissy said...

I have commented on 18+... sheer joy to read such a talented collection!

JamieDedes said...


Thanks Jingle and Leo for your work on this.

hyde park poetry thursday poets rally week 164, places to Visit This Coming July Month

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