Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Agreement for Thursday Poets Rally 44 (May 19 - May 25, 2011)

Hello, This is Leo from I Rhyme Without Reason, I welcome you to the 44th week of Poets Rally.
Thursdays Poets’ Rally Week 44 ( May 19 - May 25, 2011)

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally Week 44:

#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 44 original? Please say YES or NO.
 #2: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, Jingle, Leo, the hosts, and other Poets Rally officials or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.
#3: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:

1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you either from participants list or from fresh poets to explore list. You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.

#4: If you are nominated for The Perfect Poet Award, are you going to accept the award, following the rules to post a poem and nominate another previous participant? Please say YES or NO. To avoid frustration, Jingle awards those who said YES…

#5: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.


Please answer all 5 questions, First time participants can simply scroll down to visit participants from this list to meet requirement…you can visit the perfect poet award winners via Jingle’s blog if you wish…Let me or Jingle know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…
Poets Rally Officials JingleLeoJamie DedesOliviaUmaRiikaAlezaKavita and Blaga welcome your active participation and contribution, the linkz will stay open for an entire week, take your time and enjoy!

One quality entry per poet is accepted! 

.Perfect Poet Award Winners and Fresh Poets To Explore IS HERE.


Anonymous said...

I realized I have not previously entered my agreement. Here it is:

1. YES
2. YES
3. YES
4. YES
5. YES

Anonymous said...

Yes to all.

Thank you!
Aaron Davis

The Poet said...

Of course...yes to all!

Miss Kitten said...

Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Oh, and I forgot. Yes.

Anonymous said...

Yes to All... Happy Rally every one..:-)

bendedspoon said...

I may be busy butt I'm saying yessss! Let's have fun everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes to all :)

Andy Mcdonald said...

Yes of course

Jingle said...



Yes, and will be visiting later at night...

got to take a break from the computer now.


Maggie said...

Yes! Happy Rally!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I fully agree... And a Happy Rally 44!

Kavita said...



Suzanne Wyatt said...

Answer yes to all.

I try to comment on the required number of others as requested.

Judith C Evans said...

Yes to all above questions! I'll be posting a bit later, after I finish some article writing. Looking forward to reading more great poetry!

Thoughts Not Lost said...

Yes to all.

Happy Rally everyone!

Paulami said...

Yes ;)

will go through the poetry asap :)

ALIVE aLwaYs said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Henry Clemmons said...

Yes to all of the above.

Walt Wojtanik said...

Yes across the board, including the awards ( as if there were any doubt!)

WyomingDiva said...

Yes to all!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all and thank you for always improving these links. You guys are appreciated. Great way to meet new poets and read new posts.
Thanks for all your effort!!!!!

nelly ulima said...

1-3yes 4no 5yes

Rek Sesh said...

Yes to all

Unknown said...

The usual 5 yes, and happy Rally regards to everyone!

Butterflies of time said...

Yes to all, a bit busy but will try to read as many as possible.

Rashmi said...

Yes to all except 4 - no.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The Reason You Come said...

Yes to all, Ji. I submitted this poem both to Mama Kat's and here. Looking forward to reading other poets' entries! :)

Chim's World of Literature said...

yes too all seven....

Chim's World of Literature said...

done with all 18

Ken said...

Yes to all five questions.

Rashmi said...

Jingle ,
Completed my visits...
Tomorrow will go for more....
As always its great reading...
Thank you for doing all these work and giving us ,beginners a platform.......

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

will mark you down as done NOW.

Uma Anandane said...

Yes to all :)

Uma Anandane said...

Have done the needful :)

tarunima said...

yes to all:)

The Poet said...

Hi, I've completed my 18, but will still continue to read more.
I'm the Andy at #15.

Thank you for this wonderful forum to showcase, share & participate.

Walt Wojtanik said...

Mission accomplished. Read many, comment on 18-19 so far. Great work this week!

Rajlakshmi said...

yes to all.

having missed the previous rally, didn't want to miss this one. Just finished writing. Happy Rally :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading the new poets and also a few I already knew, as usual. :)

Peggy Nolan said...

yes to all

Maggie said...

I've read 18+. Terrific poets out there. : )

I will stop by again.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all and thank you for making this available to us.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all, I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Done with my 18!

Anonymous said...

Done with my 18!

Christopher said...

Christopher says YES to all answers!

Anonymous said...

18 done. Hope to do more. Another lovely rally _ well done to all :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes to all ... Happy Creative Rally to all!

Thank you for hosting!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I made it this week! Happy to be back, enjoy the rally one and all :)

I accept all the terms!

Lolamouse said...

Yes to all terms. Here is mine:

andymac89 said...

I've commented on at least 18 now.... and counting!

andymac89 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Done done done!!! Happy happy happy!!! :D

Alcina said...

Yes to all the above rules!

Alcina said...

I am done Reading more than 18..would check out more soon..

Happy rally to all!!


Eclipse said...

Yes to all....Done!
I've just met some wonderful fresh poets :)
Happy Rally!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm LaMar aka Marcus J of dapoerscornerdotcom.WordPress. and I want to thank whom ever it is that introduced this to me

OK so YES to application five questions/statements above and will comment and view everyone poems. that I can today... again Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Done with my 18. I am off today and will visit some more later. Enjoy the rally everyone :)

Anonymous said...

Yes to All

Raivenne said...

Wow! There always great work here at the rally, but there really is some really good stuff out there this round. Past eighteen and still counting.

Aaron Davis said...

Done with my 18. Will visit some more and I am visiting and returning comments on all those who have been kind enough to visit mine.

Thank you

Suzanne Wyatt said...

Finally read 18 and off to read a few more!

bttrflyscar said...

YES to all. again. and 18 already done. more to come!

Helena said...

5 x yes and even one more for luck....X

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say yes. But you know I will. I am very glad that you found me. have a great weekend. :)

Harshika said...

I've linked in!! :D

WOW!! After 8 WHOLE weeks!! :)

It's good to be back...

Poetry Road said...


Rachel Hoyt said...

Yes to all. :)

Happy Poets Rally everyone! A special thank you to those who voted for me to win Perfect Poet Summer 2011 is at the bottom of my post. xoxo

Isabel said...

yes to all 5. done with my 18

$unshine of the Moon said...

Yes to all :)

Vinod Narayan said...

Yes to All :)

Thoughts Not Lost said...

I am done. I have read 18 beautiful poems. Happy Rally everyone!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I've read the required 18.
The Lonely Recluse.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to post here earlier that I agree to all requirements. Of course I do! :)

Lisa said...

Can I like to a poem that I've already posted on my blog or does it need to be a piece of work that I am newly posting?

I am a "YES" to all the questions.

Kay said...

Yes to all. I have enjoyed reading the work of the fresh poets during the weeks I've been near a computer. I was so engrossed with them that I read nearly all of them a couple of weeks ago! It's amazing how much one can learn by reading the works of others. It's a humbling experience. Blessings to all.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all and I am finished reading. Absolutely amazing poetry!

Anonymous said...

Done :)

Aynsley (Life In Verse) said...


Anonymous said...

yes to all!

planet cyberluz said...

This is for Charlie Parant on Time Piece. I couldn't get it onto his blog, the comment box blocked me. Tigerbrite.
I love this. Did time pass more slowly when we had to wind it up ?

Judith C Evans said...

I've completed my 18 comments and will keep on reading and commenting. Have a creative weekend everybody!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all, as usual, and I guess I'm done with my Eighteen, though I'm still reading more. Its really fun this time.

Jingle said...

I clicked on Charles's blog link perfectly easy to read.

please try to:

clear your browse history by choosing tool,..

restart your computer......

good luck.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all, and later today, when my mind is too tired to work on my book, I will treat myself once again to reading the creative work of my poet peers and friends. I'm not sure which I enjoy more - writing or reading, but being able to engage in either discipline, I feel blessed indeed.
Thank you Jingle for this wonderful site - you should earn your own special award for promoting creative energy.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all, and later today, when my mind is too tired to work on my book, I will treat myself once again to reading the creative work of my poet peers and friends. I'm not sure which I enjoy more - writing or reading, but being able to engage in either discipline, I feel blessed indeed.
Thank you Jingle for this wonderful site - you should earn your own special award for promoting creative energy.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all!

I look forward to reading everyone else's work.

Will post a link asap :)

A x

Anonymous said...

Good Rally. Done.

Anonymous said...

Good rally I am done
I vote for...
Lonley recluse

Thank you they were all wonderful

Anonymous said...

Good rally I am done
I vote for...
Lonley recluse

Thank you they were all wonderful

Unknown said...

As always, YES to all the questions!

Glad to part of this super effort to bring together as many poets as possible. I think this is the real contest, where, noone participate to win, but everyone participates to share!

Anonymous said...

Yes to everything, and good luck to all. :-)

Someone is Special said...

Yes to all, Leo and Ji.. I may be late but today I will read all of them..

Also accepted the perfect poet award for week 43 ji..

Someone is Special

Poetry Road said...

Did my 18 plus a few more I think! Good stuff!
This is so fun!

Someone is Special said...

read more than 40 poems.. I love them badly.. and thanks for rally, the place where I love to stay around a lot..

Someone is Special

Defiant said...

Yess.. to all 5! :)
Will b active and visit other blogs n comment too! :)

I have a question, can we submit those poems which are written long ago.. like 1 yr bak by linking ur site..??

~Madhumathi (Vidya)

Teri said...

Yes to all five.
I am not only late this week but am using my other Blog, but am so happy to be here again!

Anonymous said...

Done! Some fabulous pieces this week. Thanks all for sharing!

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

any poem is welcome, we don't cARE HOW OLD IT IS.!

$unshine of the Moon said...

Done with 18 and still reading.......its been a great rally this time :)

Ginny Brannan said...

Yes to ALL questions! Thank you for inviting me to come and participate!!

Butterflies of time said...

Done, can't stop reading though-wonderful range of poems in this Rally!

Anonymous said...

Okay, have read lots and commented on more than 18.

I would like to vote for:
Miss Kitten
Jesse Mitchell

wanderer said...

An absolute yes to yes :)loved the following
A.B Thomas, and many more.

Musings of a Wanderer

Anonymous said...

I have completed my requirements. Thanks for another fun rally! xoxo

Yun Yi said...


Thanks Jingle for visiting and commenting my poetry blog!

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for selecting me. My answers are, of course, all 'yes'.
I'd be honoured to receive more recognition from you.

Miki said...

Yes to all!

miki said...

I have completed the requirements! I appreciate the opportunity and loved the poetry that I commented on. What a fascinating group of artistic minds.

cindy eksuzian said...

Cindy Eksuzian,

Yes on questions 1 and 2.

Cindy Eksuzian said...

I would like to yes questions 3,4,5 but I am limited on time. Give me a bit to think about this...

I think what you're doing with poetry is so terrific!!

Cindy Eksuzian

Anonymous said...

Yey! I made it! Better late than never i supose.
I am sorry for my dreary selection this time.

YES To ALL! :)

Happy Rally!


('s not letting me comment under my id so...)

NotATameBlog said...

Yes to all. See you in the rally

Anonymous said...

So glad to be here. I always fill so connected and inspired here.
Let the commenting begin!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all.

Ms. Queenly said...

Yes to all and I've visited my eighteen.

Ms. Queenly

Anonymous said...

yes and I'm in

Jingle said...

welcome, have fun!

Cindy eksuzian said...

Yes to all questions. Great site!

Anonymous said...

done. will try to hit more if i can.


id is still acting up.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all, thank you for the opportunity :)

Anonymous said...

I have visited a majority of the poets listed, and commented where I have something to say.

I see if I can have something worthy to post on Thursday.

debi said...

I have completed 18+ and enjoyed all.

Anonymous said...

I've visited and commented on 18+ posts. I thought it would be a chore, but I enjoyed it immensely. I admit, allowing myself to get out there and give people access to what is very personal to me has been daunting, but the feedback has been lovely. I'll be more than happy to participate in the future.

Anonymous said...

I've visited and commented on 18+ posts. I thought it would be a chore, but I enjoyed it immensely. I admit, allowing myself to get out there and give people access to what is very personal to me has been daunting, but the feedback has been lovely. I'll be more than happy to participate in the future.

Daydreamertoo said...

Yes to all.
I lost count how many comments I've left. I know it's a whole bunch more than 18.
Thanks for taking time to try and explain how it all works.

paysan said...

Yes to all!

Raining Iguanas said...

I hate rules but Sister Mary Smack Me Twice said, "Rules are meant to be followed." Yes X 5 = I'm in!

Teri said...

I'm done reading, so many wonderful poems!

Anonymous said...

Done! I really the entries in the rally!

Ina said...


Anonymous said...

Done. I read some awesome poems. Thanks again for great rally!

Unknown said...

My comment wouldn't post yes to all and I'm done - all in one here ;) Rose

Vinay Leo R. said...

Yikes! Nearly forgot :) Please mark me down as done! :D 18 + done, and returned comments to almost all who've visited me.

Olive Tree said...

Yes to all 5 questions. Thank you for the invitation. I'm happy to share mine here and will definitely come back for the next rally.

Cindy eksuzian said...

Okay, first I have to say what a joy it is to see such wondrous self expression by all these poets!

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. yes

Cindy eksuzian said...

Done! and 18+ what a joy to read all!

Cindy Eksuzian

Red said...

Yes to all. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all. Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

18 plus done

Coffee With Leonard Cohen said...


Helena White said...

Re: Biweekly interviews on published bloggers for bluebellbook

I am very flattered, but I think you may want Victoria, as she is the one who interviewed me.
Victoria from liv2write2day's Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your comments.



Memory Box Creations

Brownpaperbaggirl said...

#205 here. I've commented on 18 so far, and am looking forward to continuing reading all these lovely entries this week! :)

david shelton said...

yes to all

Anonymous said...

Done with 18 poets. What a lovely week.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jingle!
Commented on 18+! Have read all afternoon countless others! What a great rally this week!

Jhpoetry said...

Q. 1-5 Yes to all :)

Oak Creek Ranch said...

Yes to everything and done with required reading -- but not done reading! Great stuff this week!

Anonymous said...

Done 18 comments or more I think.

bttrflyscar said...

Thank you, I accept!!

planet cyberluz said...

Thank you I have enjoyed this rally. Done.

Tigerbrite said...

Sorry I should have signed my previous comment... Tigerbrite. Done

Anonymous said...

Took me awhile to figure out how to answer those questions.


Coffee With Leonard Cohen said...


The Reason You Come said...

Done! Finally! :)

Umesh Rao said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Umesh Rao said...

1. YES
2. YES
3. YES
4. YES
5. YES

Thanks a lot for the invite. :)

Anonymous said...

done here :) forgot to tell you bout it days ago....

Anonymous said...

Done. Thanks. I enjoyed this, and I found some new writers to read. Well worth the time spent!

Jhpoetry said...

Done, enjoyed sharing poetry and meeting new writers!

Anonymous said...

Yes to ?'s 1-5 - I think/hope I did everything right and in a timely fashion. I think this a great and means the world to me! Love reading 18+ others poet felt like maybe I don't belong - fabulous writers - Thank you thank you thank you!

~L said...

Yes to all five:)

I think someone from this blog added a poem for me already? I hope I joined... if not what else do I have to do? :) this sounds amazingly fun:)

Anonymous said...

I just suddenly had a link to my blog, to one of the poems I had written.... That's cool.

hyde park poetry thursday poets rally week 164, places to Visit This Coming July Month

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