Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Agreement for Thursday Poets Rally 46 (June 16 - June 22, 2011)

Hello, This is Leo from I Rhyme Without Reason, I welcome you to the 46th week of Poets Rally.
Thursdays Poets’ Rally Week 46 ( June 16 - June 22, 2011)

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally Week 46:

#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 46 original? Please say YES or NO.
 #2: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, Jingle, Leo, the hosts, and other Poets Rally officials or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.
#3: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:

1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you either from participants list or from fresh poets to explore list. You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.

#4: If you are nominated for The Perfect Poet Award, are you going to accept the award, following the rules to post a poem and nominate another previous participant? Please say YES or NO. To avoid frustration, Jingle awards those who said YES…

#5: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.


Please answer all 5 questions, First time participants can simply scroll down to visit participants from this list to meet requirement…you can visit the perfect poet award winners via Jingle’s blog if you wish…Let me or Jingle know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…
Poets Rally Officials JingleLeoJamie DedesOliviaUmaRiikaAleza and Blaga welcome your active participation and contribution, the linkz will stay open for an entire week, take your time and enjoy!

One quality entry per poet is accepted! 

.Perfect Poet Award Winners and Fresh Poets To Explore IS HERE.


Jingle said...

welcome to poets rally week 46,

yes to all 5 questions.
Happy Rally.

Will read you within a few hours.

Someone is Special said...

Yes to all Jingle,, Leo and other officials....

Someone is Special

Celestial Dreamz said...

yes to all ... :-)

bttrflyscar said...

yes- all5.

Happy Rally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello and yes to all of the above, I just wanted to say I posted this poem last pot luck, though have yet to write anything else as good so i resubmitted it for the rally because will i really like it.

Li said...

I'll be away :((( Good luck all, catch up with you next time. Lisa@FlashFiction

Anonymous said...

Yes to all! As usual! :)

Anonymous said...

7 times yes :)

Alcina said...

I agree to all!

Liz Rice-Sosne said...

Well, it has taken me this long to figure out that not only do I need to answer the questions ... but that I am meant place my answers here. Sorry about that.

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes, I try to do this ... unfortunately way TOO often when I comment upon Word Press Blogs the comments never show.
4. Of Course!
5. Yes.

I am really grateful for this "poetic" opportunity.

The Poet said...

Hello everyone.

YES to all.

Looking forward to another wonderful Rally.

Have a great week ahead all!

Alcina said...

Done commenting on 19 posts..and will keep reading as soon as more get posted as of now read all..

Happy rally!

Maggie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thoughts Not Lost said...

Yes to all!

Happy Rally!

Anonymous said...

I am still having a very hard time posting comments on Blogger. I can only comment on 1 in 3 blogs or thereabouts. Its very frustrating and I appologise in advance if I am unable to leave a comment.

tarunima said...

yes to all:))

$unshine of the Moon said...

yes to all

Miss Kitten said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! And thanks for all that you do. :)

Yun Yi said...

Yes to all!
Thanks Jingle and Leo. Such a great opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Yes, as usual... And a Happy Rally!

Anonymous said...

yes to all!

K McGee said...

After a week swept away by vacation, I'm writing to a new theme this week. It's all about questioning what we know about the beginning.

Happy Rally!

Yes to all!

Andy McDonald said...

Okie dokie!

Henry Clemmons said...


Anonymous said...

yes!! Absolutely!! feel so lucky visiting this site. nice to meet you.. :)

Ginny Brannan said...

Yes to all questions!!
Happy Rally!

Judith C Evans said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes! Just posted mine -- a poem I wrote 2 1/2 years ago while living and working at a women's shelter in Flagstaff, Arizona. Here in Texas, it was 102 degrees F today...guess I needed to think about snow!!

Anonymous said...

Did you mean if I have a nomination for week 46 instead of week 36? For week 46 I nominate Seabell.

robin said...

YES to all -robin

Unknown said...

As always yes to all!! Proud to be a participant :)

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all...
I have submitted my entry...

wanderer said...

yes to all, a great movement, to keep the poet's brain buzzing :)

Musings of a Wanderer

Anonymous said...

Yes to all :)
Happy Rally everyone!

Neeraja said...

Yes to all!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all most read now!! Can't stop the all great:) good luck everyone :)

Anonymous said...

Done :) least 20 commented on will keep reading and posting :)

Shara said...

Yes to all

Cindy eksuzian said...

Yes to all Jingle! A great rally everyone! Looking forward to reading your lovely creations! Cindy

The Poet said...

I'm done with 18+ & still counting.
I'm Andy at #22.

Eclipse said...

Yes 5 times :)
happy rally
Almost done...

Judith C Evans said...

I've commented on 18 and will keep on commenting. Lots of good reading!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all five. I've read about 45, and commented where I had something to say.

Unknown said...

Missed you guys last week. Anyhow I've already gone through 20 of the pieces already with comments. I have yet to post my own yet though, gotta run, but will get mine in the rally later and finish the rest.

Really good work so far every piece has been really good. Great reading afternoon so far, thanks:)

Anonymous said...

Yes and done for second poem :) good luck everyone

JamieDedes said...

Happy Rally Days.

Agree to all points.

Thanks, Leo, for posting.

Helena said...

Yup, yup, yup, yup and yup....!!

Anonymous said...

Pleasant reading is done!

Audrey said...

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. yes

Maggie said...

Yes to all. A new poem submitted. : )

Jess PJ said...

as always, yes to all

Maggie said...

Oh, and I have read 18+ poems.

Anonymous said...

I already left a comment saying yes to all questions, came back to note a few more blogs and don't see my comment listed now.

YES to all and even more. Some great blogs to read too!

Helena White said...

First time visiting...
Yes to all...

Thank you for the invite!

Anonymous said...

Gosh can't believe it is already time for the Rally!

Yes to all.

WyomingDiva said...

I'm in and 'yes' to all five questions!

Anonymous said...

I'm in and yes to all!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy to be here as always, among great writers known and unknown. yes of course, to all you ask.

Anonymous said...

Yes to All.

sweet pea. said...

yes yes yes yes yes,
and there i go.

Blaga said...

Done with 18 visits! It was a pleasure to read ...

Anonymous said...

Yes to all of the questions.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all 5 terms

Peggy Nolan said...

Happy Rally - yes to all!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the invite, glad to read so many great poets as always. 18 down and counting...

Vignesh Iyer said...

Yes to all.. :D

Chim's World of Literature said...

yes too all

Harshika said...

it's obviously an yes to everything as usual!!! :D

and im already done!! :D

Chim's World of Literature said...

i am done with all mine... :)

Poetry Road said...

Yes to all! Was away so glad to be back! Missed reading all my favorites and new poets too!

Anonymous said...

yes to all

MaDesa said...

Yes to all 5...done reading all 18 and a few extras!

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Yes to all. Will read 18 (or more) in the next few days. Posting a poem in a few minutes. I'm really enjoying your site AND the people on it!
Actually, my poem is in the URL attached to this comment. Will that work??

Here it is, as well:

Nithin kamal A said...

yes to all...i am trying to find somebody with similar tastes,at last i found this community of poetic people


Unknown said...

My piece is up at 78, Poetical Psyche. All the questions are yes and have completed required comments. Again, really, really good work people, loving almost everything I'm reading, thanks, makes for some really good afternoons and early mornings:)

Unknown said...

Yes to all! Look forward to reading <3 Journey well friends! ~ Rose

Miriam Sagan said...

Yes--I'd like to come in this week. Do I need to do anything else? Miriam Sagan at Miriam's Well ( and

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


ZQ said...

yes to all

Vinod said...

Yes to all

Ravenblack said...

Yes to all. :)

Thoughts Not Lost said...

I just finished reading 18 wonderful poems, so I am "done" but above else, I am inspired by all that I have read. :)

The Danforth Anchor said...

Yes to all 5 questions. Here we go! :-)

aynsley7 said...

Okie Dokie!
I'm also done for the week. Read some REALLY amazing ones, too. It has been a good week!
Happy Rally!

Anonymous said...

Happy Rally -- Yes to ALL!

Anonymous said...

yes to all!

Cindy eksuzian said...

Just wanted to add my poem Hassle Free as a thank you to be a part of such incredibly inspiring poets! Thanks ! Cindy

Someone is Special said...

read as many poets as possible..

Someone is Special

Anonymous said...

Done :D

Anonymous said...

yes to all five questions!

I'm back!!! Happy rally!!!!


Anonymous said...

Completed my 18 and more and still going!!! Loving the reads!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes to all once more, and I accept the Award I just came back from a cruise did not have the to log on due to no connection

Mr. Walker said...

I answer "Yes" to all five questions. I look forward to reading some great poems.


Anonymous said...

done and will continue on :)

$unshine of the Moon said...

done and still reading :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've done commenting on the 18+ poems required.
The Lonely Recluse.

The Reason You Come said...

Yes to all! Will be back to start reading and commenting.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all :-)

Butterflies of time said...

yes to all . My last rally before vacations-will be away for two whole months!

wena said...

YES! to all!

have a great week everyone! :)


Anonymous said...

Yes to all as usual...Love all the poetic officials over there and happy Thursday poets' rally to all the members....

Dasuntoucha said...

Hello Poet's Rally (^_^)...Yes...I'm here to read...have a wonderful weekend :-)

Poetry Road said...

Hi Jingle. Did them all...really powerful stuff this week!


Anonymous said...

I'm done now 184 some amazing talent!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all question and I'm done with more than 20 talents. (:

The poets have really grown in numbers. Kudos to all of you guys who are behind this!

Anonymous said...

Happy Sunday, Happy Father's Day to all dads ... Happy Rally ... I am done with 18+ but will continue with more ... great stuff available for our enjoyment!

Shara said...

I don't know if I post here, but I am done reviewing! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Finished my 18. Thank You Much.

Jack Edwards Poetry said...

Yes to all

Anonymous said...

Yes to all. Will do my best. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes to all.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Yes to all!
I'm in!
Let the good reads begin!

Anonymous said...

Done my 18 and continuing on!

Mr. Walker said...

Read at least eighteen (more like 20+) - and many poems from winners of the Perfect Poet Award. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

There are some really wonderful poems to read. I tried to read some new names also.
Done with 18+

Anonymous said...

Done! :)

Helena said...

Is there still a Facebook account for the Parking Lot...? Any link I find just sends me straight back to my own Facebook profile or login.

Anonymous said...

I'm done with 18 and will get to some more tomorrow! So many awesome poems and poets to be read... who can stop at 18? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yes to all and I have read 18 and will continue further. I also nominated a poem on my awarded entry (Thank you! :) ) : . I think I did it right, if not let me know. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all and I have read 18 and will continue further. I also nominated a poem on my awarded entry (Thank you! :) ) : . I think I did it right, if not let me know. Thank you!

Heather said...

Umm..yes to everything?

JGrozny said...

Yes to all. But, I'm not perfect & will never be (#4) & I'm in Asia. Does that count?

Jingle said...

stay confident, JGrozny, keep your true identity safe and private.

have fun!

Kathy Boles-Turner said...

Yes to all!

This is pretty cool, although I was confuzzled over the pingback there for a bit ;) I look forward to reading and being read, so thanks for the invite!

Dopple said...

Yes to all 5!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all...:-)
Been totaly out of track of time, so many things just happening,will make sure to vist much of you... happy rally to all:-)

Raivenne said...

And done! Man, it's been a busy week!

Unknown said...

Yes to all 5 questions. I am looking forward to reading the poems.
Got confused a little at the beginning but I think I have got it now :)

Helena said...

Went past 18 yonks ago.....just forgot to say! I'm reading on, though! Fabulous work here!

Anonymous said...

Have read 18+ poems, but some of my posts would not post. I guess that happens. :-)
Thanks again for the invite to join in the rally, it has been interesting, inspiring and lovely to read other poets work.

Aynsley (Life In Verse) said...

Hello everyone!
This is Aynsley saying Yes I am done and yes I do realize I am one of the last to finish, and no that doesn't bother me! :-P
Have a great day, all!

Anonymous said...

I'm done. (Sent you an e-mail, too, Jingle, to let you know & ask some questions about the experience, for next time.

Elaine Danforth said...

I'm done!:-)

Cindy eksuzian said...

Finished 18+ commenting and thoroughly enjoyed everyone's work!

Unknown said...

I have done 18+, loved reading through the poems, some great work out there. will carry on reading, I am enjoying myself :)

Unknown said...

Reporting in that I have completed my reads...great they all were! Thanks all! ~ Rose

Tigerbrite said...

Enjoyed the reading rally. Thank you and done.

Jingle said...

way to go, Jeanie, C-rose, and Tigerbrite.

Fountains said...

Yes to all! And thanks! :)

Miki said...

YES TO ALL & COMPLETE. My vote's for Crayfish ==>
Very original and great use of words!

Peggy Nolan said...

I'm done - lots of great poems this week! And Thanks for the award!!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all; I have commented on 18 poets.

Anonymous said...

I'm done reading 18 poets.

Anonymous said...

I think I am done! :) I nominate Baishali for the perfect poet award!!

Anonymous said...

That's my poem. Sorry, I misunderstood the link part.

Vinay Leo R. said...

I'm quite done too :D with 18 atleast.

William said...

William Leed says yes to the agreement.

Anonymous said...

Better late than never? Yes, of course, to all!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all for


hyde park poetry thursday poets rally week 164, places to Visit This Coming July Month

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