Sunday, September 25, 2011

Perfect Poets Award for Poets Rally Week 52

Hello everyone and welcome to a new week of the Perfect Poet Award Ceremony!! This is Ava and I will be presenting the award this fine evening. Congratulations to all who won!!!!!


Rules to Accept the Award:
  • Put the logo on your blog under your poets rally entry or any poem post before or on next rally.
  • Post a poem (or a Haiku) under the logo.
  • Tag The Poetry Palace to link back to This Award Post.
  • Nominate One Previous Participant or current participant and leave the nominees link to their blog and you're done!
  • Please copy and paste your acceptance post link in the comments section of post.
A sample award acceptance is linked here:

Congrats to all who won!


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

Thanks for the hard work, Ava,

I am sure poets appreciate it.

way to go.

nitewrit said...

Thank you, I appreciate this. I have nominated Old Raven at


marit said...

thank you!

Melissa Ridley Elmes said...

Thank you for the award! I appreciate the recognition for my work. Here is the link to my acceptance post and nomination:

The Poet said...

Thanks Ava. Your hard work is much appreciated. The award is a lovely boost for me too as I've been unwell & bedridden for the last couple of weeks.

Congratulations everyone!

My acceptance & nomination can be found here.

Kate Snape said...

I accept Thankyou! =) xxxxxx

Kate Snape said...

And I nominate A.T Smith! for their brilliant comedy

Anonymous said...

tq ava and poetry palace for this award. i nominate terri at

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the award!
I accept and I nominate Harry Nicholson.

My acceptance post:

Ms. Queenly said...

Thank you for this award and you all's hard work.

Acceptance post:

MC said...

Thank you very much!

Poetry and Icecream said...

Congrats to all these wonderful poets :)

Chim's World of Literature said...

Thanks for the award...
my entry

Tigerbrite said...

Thank you for this award. My acknowledgement poem is here
I nominate

Neni said...

thanks for the award...
please find my acceptance post as follows:

Kate Snape said... here's my acceptance post thanks again =) xxx

Short Poems said...

Congrats to all these creative poets!

Anonymous said...

Thank you :)


Duncan Cleary said...

Thank you Ava and Poetry Palace for the award. I am not sure if I have done everything correctly to accept the award, I hope I have! I nominate wordcoaster for next award:

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Thank you very much. It is a pleasure to participate in your rallys, and I am honored to receive this award.
I would like to nominate Terri for the next award:

William Leed said...

Thank you for the award. I hope I am linking this correctly.
I might have missed a step before.
is my award entry
I would like to nominate emanita01

Anonymous said...

Here's my acceptance post:

Thanks so much!

Blossom Vydrina said...

Thank you! Here's my post:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! My acceptance post is here in the rally now. I nominate Peter (expatinCAT).

Anonymous said...

I am honoured and wish to nominate Old Raven for her fine creations. The acceptance thingie is

Anonymous said...

it had been accepted and posted ava! :) here's the link..

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Dear Poetry Palace
Please know that I have now completed the required 18 responses
and heres my entry:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the award i would like to nominate Jake.Ox

Alcina said...

Thanks a ton and here is my acceptance :)

hyde park poetry palace rally on Thursdays week 165 , international nutrition month in april, march 31 --> april 30, 2025...(2013-->2025)

   hello, our fellow ladies and gentleman,     it has been 13th time to recall a good theme on this spot, whenever we read a good thought on...