Sunday, October 16, 2011

Participants Talent Show Week 3 on Waystationone

Do u speak gold fish (box)? By Waystationone,

there is a box. and try as you might
to fit him in, parts keep sticking out
keeping you from closing the lid. he
fidgets, dancing foot 2 foot, refusing
2 look you N the eye, annoying you,
as you raise your voice, to be heard
he stutters, words cascading out his
mouth in jumbled masses, rocks w/
sharp edges, then escalating, yelling,
swearing, out right refusing 2 move
to your wishes. there is a box, & he
does not fit it, spilling out more like
puzzle pieces yet to be put 2gether.

do you speak goldfish? he asks, his
cheeks sucking in as he puckers his
lips & they watch him through the
glass. he barks like a rabid dog at a
mountain lion, creating awkward
moments, as he does often. clumsy,
he answers i dunno when U ask him.
@ times he doesn't listen, but do U?
it's called autism. and he is your son.
U can get angry @ him or love him,
push him into a box that doesn't fit
him or learn to speak goldfish and
watch him swim...

there is a box
and he doesn't fit
but that doesn't make him
any less beautiful a gift.

Waystationone is one of the first participants at Thursday Poets Rally, he has jumped on the wagon without hesitation 21 months ago,  and he used to enjoy visiting fellow peers and encouring fresh talents.

He has gone to start his own poetry site in July, 2010 after 6 months long experiences with poets rally.

In his own words,

“the first poet community that i was a part of before starting my own was the Thursday Poets Rally so it is a part of my history...”

I was one of the founders of One Stop Poetry, an award winning poetry community that we recently disbanded and after which teamed up with Claudia Schoenfeld to build a great team of poets to start dVerse Poets Pub. (for link:

After he is gone, he still paid attention to poets rally and came back to visit some fresh talents from time to time, his love for poetry, poetry promotion and inspiration has kept him active as participants First, and active as one who supports or encourages other poets to join and have fun.

As you can see, Thursday Poets Rally nurtures outstanding talent and potential leaders,
Waystatioinone used to be the perfect poet award winner on weekly basis, and he had been leading as a participant during his stay at poets rally for 22 weeks in a row and now, he is a co-founder of two handsome poetry communities,

I am proud of his achievement, and firmly believe that YOU, as current poets rally participants, shall feel proud of peers such as this one,  and it is time for you to read his blog, join his poetry community, or think about building one on your own.  

To view featured poem post, visit here: 

To view his recent interview with Jingle Poetry Community, visit the link below:

To participate at Waystationone’s  current poetry community, check it out here:

Thursday Poets Rally encourages you, as a poet to actively participate and polish your poetic muses in this particular community AND in other online poetry communities such as dVerse Poets Pub!

Keep writing,
Keep sharing,
Keep inspiring,
Keep improving!

Bless You All!


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

This is great.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

a fun representation,

enjoyed taking a look back to where the poet used to be and what he is looking forward to.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

a fun representation,

enjoyed taking a look back to where the poet used to be and what he is looking forward to.

Kitty said...

Glad to see this.

Anonymous said...

Love the new look!

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