Sunday, October 2, 2011

Poets Rally Participants Talent Show Week 2

Hello, welcome to Thursday Poets Rally Participants Talent Show, this week we shed highlight on Someone Is Special, who has submitted a poem with the shape of Heart to poets rally during week 32!

Someone Is Special is a powerful supporter to poets rally, he has been active in the past 13 months until recently, when his father got cancer, please read his original post via thelink below, feel free to visit his blog and read his fabulous posts!

Happy Sunday! Happy Monday! 

He… ……She
A marriage of two souls
united by three knots
with sacred thread
of lifelong love
respect &
trust as

Happy Birthday to October Babies,

Please read the following poets at our community to give your blessings, wishing them all the happiness and success in life, and many happy returns!

October 2, Morning, Morning
October 6, Life in Verse, Aynsley7
October 9, Caged By Freedom, Tweety
October 16, Talon, TALON
October 16, Celebrating A Year: Mairmusic
October 21:~Drew: ~Drew



Helena said...

Happy Birthday to the above OCTOBER gang. And I shall call back later for SIS's link and spend some time there! (It's way past bedtime in Scotland!)....night night...x

Maggie Patti Barbara Frankford-Walton said...

Happy Birthday to All poets in our community.

stay Blessed.

Someone is Special said...

Ji, Thank you so much for highlighting my poetry.. It is my pleasure to be get featured here.. I am bit busy with my work. Let me know the activities of JP and TPT via mail so that I will return back to both the places..

Someone is Special

Someone is Special said...

forgot to say.. HAppy Birthday to all the poets..

Someone is Special

Liz Rice-Sosne said...

Happy Birthday to each f the October poets!

hyde park poetry thursday poets rally week 164, places to Visit This Coming July Month

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