Monday, December 26, 2011

The Window to The World on Life of A Poet Week 8

Can you tell us about yourself?

I am a musician, a professor of music, a poet and artist. As my music webpage [] reads: "For more than three decades Marilynn Mair has played music across the globe, recorded over a dozen solo CDs, published two method books, written countless columns, and taught as a Professor of Music at Roger Williams University. She has dedicated herself to establishing the mandolin as an instrument of importance, for her lifetime and the future."

Before I was a mandolinist I was a poet, and in the past few years I have taken up writing again and combined it with photography to create my blog "Celebrating a Year". []

Which country do you live in now? What’s your profession? be general, no need to specify your location...

I live in the USA, although I spend a considerable amount of time each year in Brazil, as that is where my musical heart lies. In the USA I am a musician and a professor of music, specializing in music of the Americas. In Brazil I am a bandolimista.

We’re happy that you have been part of Poets Rally as a participant, what has driven you to where you are in this particular community? 

Jingle found my blog TWO years ago and invited me to join the Rally. I have participated in almost every one since. I have many online friendships developed through the Rally, and the number of people reading my poems has greatly increased.

How long have you been blogging? Do you think being part of a poetry community contributes to your creative writing?

My blog will be 3 years old on October 16th of this year. Being part of a community certainly keeps me serious and timely in my posts, especially my weekly poem, knowing that I now have subscribers and regular readers.

Why poetry? Do you write fiction too?

I'm not sure why, but I have always been a poet, since I was a child. It's just how the world makes sense to me. I love to read fiction, but I can't write it at all. I'm not good at coming up with the details that establish a location or a character's motivation.

Please share 3 to 5 blog links you enjoy reading most, give 1 or 2 sentences to tell why you love their creative process.

My favorite blogs are written by my favorite bloggers. In no special order they are:

Jamie Dedes [] I love her poetic style, the variety of her posts, and the information she has taken it upon herself to give us on the larger world of writers and writing. Her own poetry often leaves me breathless.

Charles Martin [] His long skinny poems always tell the truth-- political, personal, often with biting cynicism, sometimes with astonishing tenderness. And he writes one every day-- I count on him. His photography is fabulous too.

Sharmishtha Basu aka Trisha []. The woman thinks and feels so deeply, and her charming illustrations combined with her words show a strong and unique vision of the world. She and her works are simply lovely.

How do you know when a poem is done? your own experiences need to be shared here...

I write formal poetry, that is, poems using ancient formal structures, so there is a predetermined endpoint when I set out. For example, when I am writing a sonnet, I need 14 lines, 10 syllables to the line, with a particular rhyme scheme. I choose the form that I feel suits the subject that's on my mind from a selection of five-- sonnet, villanelle, decima, rondeau, or pantoum. Each has different challenges. When I have the form roughed out, then I go back and fine tune my word choice to make my point as clear as possible. I also try to make my work universal-- I don't complain about my personal boyfriend, but rather on aspects anyone with a bad or good or exasperating mate could identify with. Also, my poem has to be posted each week by Thursday, latest, so I can't be too fussy. Sometimes, but not often, I will continue to change w/ a poem after it is posted. Ends are harder to determine than beginnings. I had to give up free verse for that reason-- there is always more to say.

How do you decide when a poem is "good"? Do you redo your own poems after they’re posted? it could be poem someone else written...

I give that up to my readers, deciding if something is "good".. Some poems turn out better than others, like some dinners, or some concerts, or some sports competitions. But we keep writing, cooking, performing, playing. Because my blog is to celebrate every day as it happens I don't repost old work.

Do you think music and poetry are related? Why?

Naturally, as I am a musician and a poet. It has to do with rhythm and flow through time.

What issues are closed to your heart? Women’s rights, child abuses, etc.…name one…

I'm an artist, so there are many personal issues-- getting more people to hear and like the mandolin, getting Brazilian Choro more exposure in the world outside Brazil, getting my students to understand and appreciate classical music and world music more fully. Other than that it's more a matter of hoping everyone can have the freedom to be the best that they can be, without needing to fight for survival, for enough to eat, or for a safe space to freely speak.

What’s your other hobbies besides writing? Do you have pets? Give us a picture if you own a pet.

Photography, travel. No pets now, my travel precludes it.

Please list your blog links below, share 1 or 2 poems that represents best of your poetry talent…

My music page is : marilynn mair mandolin []

My writing blog is; Celebrating A Year []

Here are two recent poems of mine I especially like (there are 154 and counting):

she said when we are young we love
as we grow older it seems we’ve
forgotten how we could believe
in grace placing our heads above
our hearts the great tragedy of
wisdom oh would that I could fall
again without fear hearing all
the muses sing triumphantly
still sure that fortune will foil the
scattering winds of betrayal

Poem 2:

these ancient trees have weathered many storms
their gnarled branches speak of victories
hard won against a power that deforms
then moves on leaving wounds for memories
as I have felt the forces of despair
lashing away the roots of my substance
I ponder on these trees remaining there
to leaf out despite nature’s violence
for I find myself here against all odds
still standing looking forward in the fray
not falling to betrayal that defrauds
the promise of blue skies though miles away
fate has the power to upend truth yet
my steadfast heart holds dreams I won’t forget

Your readers can explore the different form by selecting links from the RH column on my blog.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Participants Talent Show Week 8: Steven Federle

 Image Credit:

Hello, Poetic Birds:

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Today, at our participant talent show, we are presenting a new talent, yet an old poetry hand who has been gracing our place recently, with deep and glittering poetry in our place.

The star of the week is Steven Federle,  here is his shape poetry showcase, enjoy:

                                                                     Steven Federle          

Grey mist

rises and falls
enfolding parched hills
easing autumn’s harsh pain
saturating the spreading valley
with gathering rain

and forgiveness.

To read his original piece, please visit his blog below:

Thanks for reading,
It has been an outstanding year of 2011, having more than one thousand poets coming and going, adding power and credits to our well established community.

Please feel free to visit our star poet today here:

Have A Lovely Holiday!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Inspiration of the Week 9

Welcome to The poetry Palace and "Inspiration of the week". There are so much talent wthin the blogsphere and this week I have visited a blog that I am sure will inspire the others talented poets. I am Chimnese and it's a pleasure to be with you.

Creative Memories
She takes scissors and glue to her past
Memories can be recast
A picture here, a picture there
A collage of images hazy and fair.
Creating memories page by page
Erasing the pain, replacing the rage
The friend who betrayed her is once again true
By deft rearranging, old boyfriends are too.
A friendship that died from a hurtful word
Now vibrant with laughter that can almost be heard
Photoshop fixes the postpartum blues
A glowing new mother she'll carefully choose.
She's tired of memories less than ideal
She'll trash scraps of life that don't hold appeal
Forgetting the parts she wants to conceal
Her scrapbook life will become what is real.

Please Prepare to Join Thursday Poets Rally week 59, 

next Wednesday, 10am, on the 28th of December!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Agreement for Thursday Poets Rally Week 58 (December 15-21, 2011)

Seasons Greetings, Welcome to Thursday Poets Rally Week 58.

Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 58 (December 15-December 21, 2011)

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally Week 58:

#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 58 original? Please say YES or NO.

#2: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.

#3: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:

1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you either from participants list.  You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.

#4: If you are nominated for The Perfect Poet Award, are you going to accept the award, following the rules to post a poem and nominate another previous participant? Please say YES or NO. To avoid frustration, AVA awards those who said YES

#5: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.


Please answer all 5 questions,……Let us know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…

Week 57 The perfect Poet Award Winner list can be found at
The linkz will remain open for an entire week, take your time, do make at least 18 comments to your peers and LEAVE A COMMENT under this post to let us know after you are done.  ;)

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Perfect Poet Award for Poets Rally Week 58


Harish G.   






Rules to Accept the Award:

§         Put the logo on your blog under your poets rally entry or any poem post before or on next rally.
§         Post a poem (or a Haiku) under the logo.
§         Tag The Poetry Palace to link back to This Award Post.
§         Nominate One Previous Participant or current participant and leave the nominees link to their blog and you're done!
§         Please copy and paste your acceptance post link in the comments section of post.

A sample award acceptance is linked here:

 Image credit:

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Window to The World on Life of A Poet Week 7 on Old Raven

Can you tell us about yourself?

Hm, I shall shortly be 65.  I have lived a varied and rewarding life, one that has had numerous extremes.  In order to find contentment and happiness I have spent a lifetime changing those things about myself that needed changing.  Changing (of necessity) has been my lifestyle.  Thus known as a shapeshifter.  

Which country do you live in now? 

I live in the Middle of the United States … but am an old east coaster.

What’s your profession?  

I am retired.  I spent 25 years in healthcare … thirteen of them involved with the AIDS/HIV movement and caring for those with AIDS/HIV.  I retired from healthcare and opened a women’s fashion boutique … until I retired.

We’re happy that you have been part of Poets Rally as a participant, what has driven you to where you are in this particular community?  

Thank you.  Oh my … it has taken me many years to give myself permission to do anything creatively … just for pleasure.  I have written poetry on and off for years and never gave a thought to being published.  In 2005 as I was turning 59 I had a remarkable spiritual experience … shamanic in nature.  This experience lead me back to writing.  It also lead me to the study of war and what it does to the men and women who are its participants.  I went on to finish my Masters degree and became involved with veterans of war and the creative writing experience.  Throughout these experiences I discovered that the genre of “war poetry" to be my favorite.  I have written a fair number of war poems, I consider these my best poems.  I have been ill for the past two years and not involved with anything including writing.  This spring I again found the desire to write.  I went online and somehow found this marvelous group along with a few others.  I love these groups for they are diverse, worldwide, filled with interesting and good poets who are supportive of each other. What more could one ask for?

How long have you been blogging?

Oh dear, not long, I am not sure … about the same time that I found you folks.  Let me look and see.  I just went to the beginning of my blog and it says April 29th of this year.

Do you think being part of a poetry community contributes to your creative writing? 

I most certainly do.  It challenges me.  It gives me a plethora of very interesting poetry to read.  It is wonderful to read the work of others and in turn have them read your own work and comment. It also challenges me.

Why poetry?

I was introduced to poetry at a very young age.  It has always given me great pleasure.  It also give me a voice.  I find it to be a universal language.  Poets may not always understand another's poem, but they will understand the heart of the poet.

Do you write fiction too?


Please share 3 to 5 blog links you enjoy reading most, give 1 or 2 sentences to tell why you love their creative process.

OK, lets see.  I have to say this is a difficult task and I could easily place the names of 40 poets here.  However, I do not have the time.  So I think that I will mention those who have had the most impact upon me.  Thus I will select first:

Jaime Dedes’ Musing By Moonlight link:  I choose her link because she has the first blog to which I subscribed.  I did so because I find her to be exceptionally professional.  She is well informed and through her generosity she shares her knowledge with others via her blog.  Her own poetry is excellent.  She also sees talent and shares or highlights that talent for others to see.

STARDREAMING With Sherry Blue Sky link:  another wonderful poet Eileen O'Neill saw the similarities between Sherry and myself and introduced us early on.  We became friends who truly relate to each other’s life experiences and to each other’s poetry.

Thirdly, Ostensible Truth at: who I find to be brilliant with words.

Then there is Ravenblack whose blog “Conversations the other day,” can be found here:  The most succinct thing that I can say about Ravenblack and myself is that Raven people tend to find value in each other.  Their writing will often emanate from their very Raven-ness.  This common bond allows a special understanding of each other’s poetry.

This is a really difficult task, for there are so many wonderful poets whom I read.

Isabel Doyle was one of the first bloggers whom I read when I re-entered the world of poetry.  We each have a real love of animals.  I believe that she lives in a country I visited and loved.  She also speaks from what she feels as do I.  A common bond for us both. 
She has two blogs: Living in Exile found here:
and Written In Exile found here:
I find her to be rather clever at times.

I simply cannot leave Kerry off this list so here is a sixth poet who is wise, witty and filled with a generosity of spirit. 
Kerry O’Conner of Skylover:
and of “imaginary garden with real toads” here:

So … there you have it.

How do you know when a poem is done?

Oh my … that is so simple.  The faster the words pour out of me the more genuine the poem, the more quickly it is finished.  Although I will say that after this happens I can put it away for a year and then pull it out and tighten it up … insure that it truly reflects what was inside of me.  If I have to struggle … the longer it takes, the less likely that it will be of quality.  I do not call myself a writer.  I do not have to write as evidenced by my long dry periods  … that do not bother me.  To write I must be passionately inspired … or, have a very active muse.

Well, now that I have written this I have to admit that I opened a poem up this morning to post and have spent the last 5 hours rewriting it.

How do you decide when a poem is "good"? Do you redo your own poems after they’re posted? 

I know immediately when a poem is good, for it all comes at once and I can barely write fast enough to get it out.  Oh yes, I often will post a poem and come along in a year or two and then pare it down.

Do you think music and poetry are related? Why?

You bet!  First let me say that although I love music I am absolutely tone deaf.  Music can take one to places that give a poet something to write about.  Of course songs are poems put to music.  But music is filled with the emotions of the writer, the listener and the players.  Musical notes and chords tend to take me to places within myself that initiate my writing.

What issues are close to your heart? Women’s rights, child abuses, etc.…name one…

Men, war, combat, combat PTSD.  The ways in which war have destroyed the lives of the men and women who are the direct players and how their experiences go one to affect and destroy generations of families.  Shamanism.  The world’s spiritual disciplines.  The study of healing.

What’s your other hobbies besides writing?

Over the years I have worked in silver, gold and stones making jewelry.  I have painted with oil and watercolor and acrylic.  I have worked in clay.  I love photography and taking pictures, cooking, creating home spaces, and I will tackle my pastels soon.  However, I have a book that I must write … I know that I must, I just have no idea how to go about it.  Ah well, it will come.

Do you have pets? Give us a picture if you own a pet.

I have two cats Boy-Boy and Itty Bitty.  I also have two dogs, Jax and Boogy.

Please list your blog links below, share 1 or 2 poems that represents best of your poetry talent …

My Blog is called “Crows Fete Words to Fly By.”  The name came to me in a split second.  Crowsfete is a reference to the celebration of aging and to my “corvidness.” Words to fly by is a reference to the first thing that I did after the spiritual experience that I mentioned having at 59.  I was becoming more and more afraid of flying, especially after 911.  This by the way is not all that unusual for women who have passed their 40th year. Therefore, I learned to fly a 1947 Luscombe 8 Taildragger.  The plane was one year younger than I.  I fell I love with it.  But flying is a rich man’s sport and I am not a rich man.  I am a happy and contented woman, married to my soul mate and best friend who is an attorney.

My blog address is here:

I wrote the following poem about my flying … it is exactly how I felt.

unearthing desire

love engulfs me

commitment is all

love excavates my senses

feeds my needs

unearths my desires

perpetuates itself

love smashes fear

is insurmountable

I wish to run to hide

I stand my ground

I choose to win

my love is an act of faith

for through faith my fear

becomes desire

highly charged

erotic demanding


I give myself over to it with abandon

my abandon requires skill

caution and control

I move slowly diligently

savoring each

moment of foreplay

never quite wanting to peak

flying does this to me

The following poem is one that I want to see published. It is my favorite poem and  inspired by a B-52 Bomber pilot, a Vietnam War Veteran who shared very briefly a small piece of his experience with me.  It is combined with some of my own experiences as a young army wife to my first husband.
Rolling Thunder

I remember them.
Large black fins
in 67 & 8.
We’d drive to Kadena,  
park the truck
watch them circle
like sharks
behind the security fence.

All we saw were black
shark fins ... taxiing for take off,
B-52s lined up for Vietnam.
The NVA called them 
Whispering Death.

Three years…860,000 pounds
of carpet bombing.

Rolling Thunder
coming out of U-Tapao,
Anderson and Guam.
They came in threes … Arc Light!

Coming from the 9th, the
22nd, the 91st, 99th, the 306th, the 454th, and
the 461ST, they flew at 50,000 ft,
subsonic speeds, refueled in mid air,
carried 70,000 pounds of mixed ordnance.

Known with affection as BUFFS
Big Ugly Fat Fuckers
Operation Linebacker.

Ten, twelve hours in the sky
peeing in a sleeve,
freezing or scorched while
flying towards hell.

Clear left, limbs seen hanging
clear right, friends literally falling from the sky.

Then, the Christmas Bombings, SAMs brought them down
U-Tapao lost two in mid-air
One in each cell…one on final…the entire crew lost.

Thanks in advance.

You are welcome.  I am sorry that I had to make you wait and I am again most appreciative for your interest and for all that you do for poets online.

My best,
Liz Rice-Sosne (Old Raven) 

hyde park poetry thursday poets rally week 164, places to Visit This Coming July Month

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