Monday, December 12, 2011

Participants Talent Show Week 7 on Raji (shape poetry)

Hello, welcome to Thursday Poets Rally Participants Talent Show Shape Poetry Week 7,  This week, we are shedding highlight on one of the oldest poets, Rajji, who has been a participant at poets rally for almost 20 months!

Here, we showcase there of her shape poems, the first one is brand new, the 2nd and 3rd one are entries to poets rally previously, click on the link to read the original posts and feedback they got. smiles.


At Poets Rally, we practice disciplines, promises keeping, and positive mingling, we also share special talent and learn to improve our own understanding and creative writing with our best capacity... 

Rajji has been doing shape poetry for a long time, her style is various and it is a great delight to have her add grace to us today.

Welcome Back any time!

Please visit Raji at The Poetry Wagon here:

Image Credit: Raji,

1 comment:

Maggie Patti Barbara Frankford-Walton said...


outstanding job, smiles.

keep it up.

hyde park poetry poets rally week 158 . Happy Holidays ahead, december 25, 2024 to january 1, 2025

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