Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Week 71 The Perfect Poet List: Enjoy!

Image Credit:, on Jordan Wolf, Spirit Golf Court ...
The Perfect Poet Award At Poetry Rally Week 71...


Hello everyone and welcome to a new week of the Perfect Poet Award Ceremony!! This is Aya Wilson, and I will be presenting the award this fine afternoon. Congratulations to all who won!!!!!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thursday Poets Rally Week 71 (August 22-29, 2012)

Greetings, Welcome to Thursday Poets Rally Week 71.

This week, we continue our journey in honoring our supporters or poets, here comes week 40, which is also hosted by leo...Enjoy!

The Compassionate Blogger Award
This award is for poets who linking to poetry rally week 71 
and Thanks for the invaluable membership and talent...
Your enthusiasm for week 70 is high and encouraging to officials, old N new... 
Continue your superb poetry talent! All is welcome!

To visit the original post, click here...

Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 71  (August 22-29, 2012)

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally Week 71:

#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 71 original? Please say YES or NO.

#2: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, including Morton Monica Sherman,  Sarah Glenwool  Bush, Riika Shawn Henry, Bristo Zach Jiu,  Chimnese,  Aya Gugles Wilson, Mia, Leo, Jamie Dedes, Ladynimue, Uma, Kavita, Olivia, Riika, Blaga, and Victoria or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.

#3: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:

1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you  from participants list. You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.

#4: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.

Please answer all 4 questions, First time participants can simply scroll down to visit participants from this list to meet requirement……Let me  know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…

Follow Us on Twitter: (500 or more followers ;))

The linkz will remain open for an entire week, take your time, do make at least 18 comments to your peers and LEAVE A COMMENT under this post to let us know after you are done.  ;)

One Quality Entry is preferred, Thanks a Lot!

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Window To The World Week 20 On Life of Poets At Hyde Park Poetry Rallys: Becky Sain

Becky Sain Herself, Thanks for the charm adding to our place, ;)

From: Becky Sain

Can you tell us about yourself?

 ~~ I am a single mother to three incredibly kind and wonderfully hip kids. I very much enjoy writing and sharing my writing with others -- I think putting yourself and your writing out there is what is necessary to improve and develop an even better creative process.

Which country do you live in now? What’s your profession? be general, no need to specify your location...

~~ I live the United States, in the south. I am an Autism Consultant with the local school district and have been working with children with Autism for 20 years.

We’re happy that you have been part of Poets Rally as a participant, what has driven you to where you are in this particular community? 

~~ I feel so very lucky to have become a part of the Poets Rally community. The writers I have discovered and become friends with have encouraged me when I needed encouragement and pushed me to dig deeper when I need to. I am so appreciative of this community.

How long have you been blogging? Do you think being part of a poetry community contributes to your creative writing?

~~ I have been blogging for almost three years now. I started the blog to work through some very profound grief I was experiencing. 
~~ I think being here, in this community, has made me a better writer, a writer willing to write from my heart and feel safe in doing so.

Why poetry? Do you write fiction too?

~~ I started writing poetry at a very early age. Being able to put my thoughts into metaphorical and sometimes literal phrases has helped me develop as a person.
~~ I write fiction as well and have shared a few short fiction pieces on my blog. I hope to continue to explore my fiction writing.

Please share 3 to 5 blog links you enjoy reading most, give 1 or 2 sentences to tell why you love their creative process. ~~ This blog is my current favorite distraction. The author, Julia Fehrenbacher, is kind and generous and fills me up with the joy that is her. ~~ This blog opens me up in a way that is peaceful and like breathing straight oxygen. The author, Kathryn Dyche Dichairo, always amazes me with her words and pictures. ~~ Okay, this my seem a little different, but this blog keeps me laughing. The author, Laura Zigman, is a best selling author and was the encouragement behind me starting my blog. She is a friend, go visit!

How do you know when a poem is done? your own experiences need to be shared here...

~~ Sometimes, I can start a poem and then stop and not think about it again for a couple of months. Then all of a sudden, I figure put what I wanted to say.

~~ Without sounding too woohoo, the poems usually let me know when they are done. Sometimes I just have to walk away and trust that I've put my heart into the words.

How do you decide when a poem is "good"? Do you redo your own poems after they’re posted? it could be poem someone else written...

~~ I don't think I ever decide a poem is good. I know there are some poems that I feel very content with when I push publish. Sometimes, I read a poem after I've published it and change a word here and there.

Do you think music and poetry are related? Why?

~~ I think music is poetry. There are some songwriters who are incredible poets, the way they combine their thoughts and turn their words into a melody... it amazes me.

What issues are closed to your heart? Women’s rights, child abuses, etc.…name one…

~~ I write mostly about grief, about loss, and about the complexity of relationships (friendships). 

What’s your other hobbies besides writing? Do you have pets?  

~~ I love to make cards. I usually make at least one card a week for a friend. I love knowing someone will smile when they open their mailbox that day.
~~ I have two very misbehaved dogs, although they would disagree.

Please list your blog links below, share 1 or 2 poems that represents best of your poetry talent…

I don’t want to write any words

… you’ll just read them and then you’ll talk about them and then a joke will be made and a smirk will be seen and an eyebrow will raise and high fives will be collected and I’ll find myself on the outside of the circle looking through you. But behind the look will be the thought. You’ll think about all the things that could be done from now on because we know we can’t ever go back and undo that tangled feeling that lodged itself in your gut every time I tried and — how — I — tried. No matter how many times I tell you about the better days all you’ll see is how clearly I look when I’m weak. So, I don’t want to write any words that you might read. 

I don’t want to write any words

… but waiting is pointless. This feeling is hit and miss, maybe now maybe later. I’ll sit down and I’ll type the words and I’ll not want to but I will because in spite of all the shouldn’ts I’ve racked up, in spite of all the stupid button pressing, in spite of all the reasons I have to hide my face and tuck my tail and bury my body in the deepest cave… I’ll write these words because I can. I can. I can make you think and make you see and make you question every decision you made. I can. So, I don’t want to write any words when I should wait.
I don’t want to write any words

… but if I don’t they’ll just explode in the space of grayness that surrounds and knock me off my wobbly perch. Those words will keep pouring out of me in a steady flow of memories, moving so fast I can’t slow them down… no control. The mystery I keep trying to solve is me and these words are the only clues I have and each time I try to peek inside your world to see if any parts of me are there, you slap the curiosity so hard… so hard. So hard you slap but the curiosity just grows, it doesn’t stop. It doesn’t slow down. So, I don’t want to write any words that might explode in my face

— but they need me to…

So, I will.

this is for the savior of the broken,
the writer of the story,
the singer of the song.
this is for the conjurers of the calamity,
the poets and the poem,
the artist and the collage.
this is for the books,
the words,
the stories we weave,
the mothers,
the fathers,
the way they make us believe.
this is for the gamblers who lose,
but still play the game.
the dreamers who dream,
not afraid of the flame.
this is for the beaten,
the bruised,
the scared,
the nervous,
the hurt,
the shattered,
the stuck.
this is for the ones who get back up,
for every one who dares to move,
for those who keep letting in the light,
for those who stand facing the storm.
this is for the honest,
the conscious,
the diggers,
the searchers,
the seekers.
this is for the quest we don’t walk away from,
the puzzle we want to put together,
the lesson we keep learning.
this is for the blurry eyed star gazers,
the unabashedly flawed teachers,
the unapologetic hand-holders.
this is for you,
and me.

~~ Thank you so much for this opportunity!
Thanks in advance.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Participants Talent Show Week 20 on Underthetoadstool-TB

Hello, poets in the global community:

Underthetoadstool-TB is a unique poetry or writing blog that gives lots of inspirations, well, this poem has a shape, what is it? Please feel free to check her out, she is a gem to poets rally.

Behind characters there are caves.
These caves give depth to the darkness and mystery.
The tunnels give leads to the habitual invisibility.
The idea is that the tunnels connect
when they are properly explored.
And the caves connect towards
bringing light into the present.
The way through the tunnels
to find truth in the dungeons
and at the end of the tunnel
is the light which connects life.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Inspiration of the Week 21 on Anthony Frando

A Girl And Her Horse by Anthony Frando on August 17, 2012

It is in your blood to love horses,
As I watch you ride along the shoreline.
He knows your secrets;
As your tears fall into his mane,
Whispering hopes into his ear
As you grip harder to the reins.

The rush of life, love, loss, and death,
Caring for such a majestic animal
Brings you closer to God’s creature.
Indeed, this horse has the heart of a warrior
As he gallops into the fields of battle.
Those who know him, understand how fully a horse can hold a human heart.

In the end, we’re not certain if God entrusts us
To this majestic horse.
Does it matter?
We’re grateful God blessed us with him.
“Ride faster!” –I screamed to her.
As she glanced with tears in her eyes.

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Most Invaluable Poet Award Week 4 on Morton Sherman

Image Credit:

The Italian Bird on August 11, 2012 by Morton Sherman

There is a singer in every bird,
Both mid-land and mid-wood kind,
There is an opinion in every song you've heard,
A mix of something between liberal
and conservative lags behind,
The Italian bird counts from one to ten
while taking a vacation at forests GREEN,
Coconut and banana trees are naked
with a monkey's teeth falling, being faked,
The Italian bird sees highway blood red,
and would sing to mourn for the dead,
The Italian bird lets some moments overcast,
and looks beyond the seasons faults in the past.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Perfect Poet Award For Hyde Park Poetry Rally Week 70

Dear Poets, How delightful to see you back in the rally and make impacts on your peers, today, I intend to take advantage of this special award to say: Thank You for Being Part of Our Group, You Inputs Are Highly
valued and appreciated, keep reading and commenting, Happy Rally Week 70...Cheers.... 

Please take the award and insert it to your submitted poem post, and nominate one poet for week 71, have fun and smile big today...  xo


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thursday Poets Rally Week 70 (August 9-15, 2012)

It has been a while, I do recall Thursday Poets Rally and its history, smile at the significance of the enthusiasm in poets who love and encourage this poetry prompt, what's good about it is that; Freedom of Poetry style, submit one random poem that makes you feel good and share to pass the joy to your fellow bloggers....As you know, many things going on in life, thus while we open up for NEW submission, we also honor Thursday Poets Rally run by Leo on week 39, the submissions include week 39 participants, and of course, you will be delighted to see how we used to shine and enjoy, and how many of you used to love our poetry rally here, and how valuable it is to have many of you come back, read, write, and inspire...cheers! Thanks again to Leo for hosting a dozen weeks last year to boost our egos... 

To see rally week 39 original post, click the link below here: (A typo occurred, it is week 39 I am honoring)

Greetings, Welcome to Thursday Poets Rally Week 70

Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 70 (August 9-15, 2012)

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally Week 70:

#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 70 original? Please say YES or NO.

#2: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, including Morton Sherman, Sarah Bush, Grace Shawn Henry, Bristo Zach Jiu,  Chimnese, Vicki Lin Chan,  Aya Wilson, Mia, Leo, Jamie Dedes, Ladynimue, Uma, Kavita, Olivia, Riika, Blaga, and Victoria or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.

#3: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:

1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you  from participants list. You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.

#4: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.


Please answer all 4 questions, First time participants can simply scroll down to visit participants from this list to meet requirement……Let me  know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…

Follow Us on Twitter: (500 or more followers ;))

The linkz will remain open for an entire week, take your time, do make at least 18 comments to your peers and LEAVE A COMMENT under this post to let us know after you are done.  ;)

 Reader Appreciation Award by Fellow Blogging Friend Here:

As for you, take the award above
and display in your blog when you submit to our poets rally, have fun!

One Quality Entry is preferred, Thanks a Lot!

hyde park poetry palace rally on Thursdays week 165 , international nutrition month in april, march 31 --> april 30, 2025...(2013-->2025)

   hello, our fellow ladies and gentleman,     it has been 13th time to recall a good theme on this spot, whenever we read a good thought on...