Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Window To The World On Life of A Poet Week 27: Dawn

done  by 11am , Monday, 1/21/2013 image: The Obama Family
  the national inauguration , Jan. 21, 2013, Washington D. C.

Now, the interview on Dawn...below

^ ^

Can you tell us about yourself?

I am an analyst and project manager by profession working for a hi-tech company in Palo Alto California USA. I am a nature loving person, love traveling and love music and playing guitar. I do write poetry in Hindi and English. I grew up and completed my education in National Defense Academy Khadakwasla Pune, India and moved to Canada as part of exploring life in general all by myself. Currently a Canadian Citizen being a resident at California USA. I love to write and part of that I had an opportunity to write a script for bollywood movie. I believe we live only once and hence take the chance, enjoy the risks it adds to the adventure and makes a roller coaster ride more fun :)

Which country do you live in now? What’s your profession? be general, no need to specify your location...

Currently, I live in California USA. I work for a hi-tech company as a system analyst and project manager...

We’re happy that you have been part of Poets Rally as a participant, what has driven you to where you are in this particular community? 

Well, the best part is it's a community and to be part of it is like having a home with known people in it. I enjoy reading other poets and their thoughts. The poets are also very encouraging and it helps to write more and the best part about the rally is that each time there is a surprise with topics and it keeps us (poets) challenging and entertained.

How long have you been blogging? Do you think being part of a poetry community contributes to your creative writing?

I have been blogging since 2005 and I used to write only prose. Never dare to write poetry in English and being part of this community I was able to explore that aspect of my writing and I like it when other poets come and read and appreciate them. So definitely being part of the community has helped me to write poetry in English as well. I am in debt for that for sure to the entire community. 

Why poetry? Do you write fiction too?

Why poetry? Well, the first time I came to your community it asked to write poetry and since then I love it. I used to write fiction and I realized it takes lot of time as I am very expressive and detail oriented as supposed to Poetry is very challenging for me where I have to restrict the words yet express it clearly the emotions and hence I enjoy writing poetry. Having said that I have not tried on Fiction as my prose and poetry are all on reality and very close to me and nature. 

Please share 3 to 5 blog links you enjoy reading most, give 1 or 2 sentences to tell why you love their creative process.

I have many blogger friends whom I visit and read. I do not have all their addresses with me as I get notifications when they add posts.
However there is one whom I love to read as it comes from heart... his name is Jeevan (means Life) and he is an inspiration to all or many.
He writes on everything - you name it whether its nature, pain, life, travel or movie.

How do you know when a poem is done? your own experiences need to be shared here...

Well, in my poem there is an expression which could be about happy moment or about love or a story and that's how I write and it gives me a sense of completion. Since my poetry is about reality it has a true story residing in it.

How do you decide when a poem is "good"? Do you redo your own poems after they’re posted? it could be poem someone else written...

Basically, I put my thoughts that’s in my heart and mind. Sometimes depending on the time I will revise but most of the time it is write what’s in mind and heart and put it up for others to give feedback.  When I am writing from my heart I don't think it is someone else's creation as I am putting the raw thoughts of my mind on paper.

Do you think music and poetry are related? Why?

Definitely they are related as I believe if Music is the breathing then poetry is the body. Words have expression even though music itself doesn't need any lyrics to express but when both hand in hand it goes pretty good song :) 

What issues are closed to your heart? Women’s rights, child abuses, etc.…name one…

Both Women and Children Issues are closer to my heart and I do counsel too for some women however, I believe children is more closer to my heart as I feel they are new and exploring things hence bringing awareness to them and protecting them is critical.

What’s your other hobbies besides writing? Do you have pets?  

I am an outdoor person, love traveling, water rafting, playing sports such as badminton, volley ball, playing guitar and listening to music. I love animals and had many pets as I was growing up such as 3 dogs, 2 rabbits, 2 squirrels and 2 cats. Now I am residing at a place which is closer to nature, mountains and animals such as wild turkey, deers, wild rabbits and many birds and squirrels who are freely playing around and enjoying the food and water at our backyard as visitors. I think they are happy as free like you and me :) 

Please list your blog links below, share 1 or 2 poems that represents best of your poetry talent…
Thanks in advance.

I have two blogs (  (English Blog - Dawn &  (Hindi poetry blog - Sehar (Dawn) ), and the poetry that best represent my talent would be... I don't know which one specifically as every poetry is close to my heart but I guess many appreciated these...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Participants Talent Show Week 27: Iris Sergey Murphy, Mish Matt Foster, and Allisa Daimakepeace Schapiro 
Today, we feature three poets, thanks for reading...everyone deserves a mention!
The Moon 
written by
Grace Schulman
featured by
Iris Sergey Murphy

having no fire of my own, I shine
But never burn. I receive the light.
Man and woman, I gather both
inside of me, surviving darkness,
shifting to achieve whole
or starving
into halves and quarters.
If I don't feed flames,
Transparent fragments linger
after daybreak,
and for some short moments
I can cover the sun.


My Arkansas

by   Maya Angelou

Featured by
Mish Matt Foster

 There is deep brooding
in Arkansas.
Old crimes like moss pend
from poplar trees.
The sullen earth
is much too
red for comfort.
Sunrise seems to hesitate
and in that second
lost its
incandescent aim, and
dusk no more shadows
than the moon.
The past is brighter yet.
Old hates and
ante-bell-um lace are rent-
but not discarded.
Today is yet to come
in Arkansas.
It writhes, it writhes in awful
waves of brooding!

Hyde Park Thursday Poets Rally Week 77: January 10, 2013 to January 17, 2013
Sentence or Sentences
written by
James Schuyler 
Featured by
Allisa Daimakepeace Schapiro

Stir them up AND THEY WON'T STICK.
We will let you have our thinking on it time-wise pronto.
Look at the nun. How greedy she is.
Alaska, nearer to Siberia-
It was considered fashionable about 1837.
Now it is out of date, outmoded, no more stylish.
Still, she brings to it an air...
The place has run down since Gramp's day
Alabama Beach, and Cat Cay, and Towser!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Inspiration of the Week 28: WHISPERS: The Wanderer...By Shashi and on Peace Seeking by Malia butterfly Page


Some of my Free Form Haiku


Lotus has flowered
Now all it waits for
Is to fall out of existence

Love is like the paint brush
Bringing all happiness
Into being

The reality of love
Sunrise burst out

The wanderer

In the search of meaning
Of life
Some times, one floats all alone
Carried by flow of sensual river
Wanderer tries to hold on to
Twigs of
Memories, thoughts feelings and experiences
That comes along

Yet, flowing too becomes meaningless
In search of meaning
Without knowing, what it means
But still with the inherent push of senses
Of mind
Of living
Of river’s flow
Wanderer floats on and on…

Looking back some times
Sometimes, longing
To cling to the shores
That seems so peaceful and calm
In remaining where they are
Still in touch
Still attached with the flow
Yet not going anywhere
How easy it seems to stay
Where you are

Caught between two mirrors
Of life and living
                                                               Wanderer reflects infinitely


No war please 

Of raging angers and restless
war crafts, of swords of words
thrown in between,
some poets orchestra
their music violently
turning a peaceful region
My gel pen pauses
and refuses to agree with
some evil targeted hearts.
I must remain my initial
position and promote peace!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Most Invaluable Poet of the Week 11 on Justin Penter Wood

Nikki Reed

the greed sucks
a handful of weeds
to taste the wild.
nuggets of chicken thoughts
like wolves, no rosy images.
v shape in space,
cheer leaders' stretched arms.
weak as a teabag,
my feet tiptoe
on solid floors.
Layers of waves
roll on,
tide moves

Monday, January 14, 2013

An Award 4 Poets Who Support, Happy birthday to Hyde Park Thursday Poets Rally


Reminding you our 3rd anniversary today, from January 14, 2010 to 2013, an award above for all of you who care and submit, please take it to your blog and share your pride with your blogging peers, thanks again for your love, embrace, time, and attention!

Keep your talent rocking!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hyde Park Thursday Poets Rally Week 77: January 10, 2013 to January 17, 2013

Welcome to  Week 77, January 10 - 17, 2013, in celebrating Thursday poets Rally THREE
year anniversary, say, January 14, 2010 -January 14, 2013...How wonderful?!

Be aware, we are honoring Thursdays Poets’ Rally week 38 (2/17/2011-2/24/2011)  poets rally hosted by Leo, you are welcome to add your new poems or a free verse to our collection! ;)

Please Check out our original post via the link below, enjoy!

image logo made by Riika Infinity

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally week 77:
#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 77 original? Please say YES or NO.
#2: Your entry shall be written for Thursday Poets Rally week 77, if you enter your piece to another online meme in the future or have done so previously, please let me know and mention it in your entry post. Please say YES or NO, thanks.
#3: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, and other Poets Rally officials or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.
#4: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:

1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets from participants list. You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.
#5: If you have answered YES to the FOUR questions above, now you are expected to keep your words. Once you fulfill your weekly requirement, you are formally a participant.
As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.

Please answer all 5 questions,  …Let us know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…

Poets Rally Officials for week 38, Jingle, Leo, Jamie Dedes, Olivia, Uma, Riika, Aleza, Kavita and Blaga, and Officials for Week 77:  Morton Monica Evans, Sarah Bush, Grace Shawn Henry, Bristo Zach Jiu,  Chimnese, Vicki Lin Chan,  Aya Wilson, Mia, Leo, Jamie Dedes, Ladynimue, Uma, Kavita, Olivia, Riika, Blaga, and Victoria welcome your active participation and contribution, the linkz will stay open for an entire week, take your time and enjoy!

One quality entry per poet is accepted!

hyde park poetry palace rally on Thursdays week 165 , international nutrition month in april, march 31 --> april 30, 2025...(2013-->2025)

   hello, our fellow ladies and gentleman,     it has been 13th time to recall a good theme on this spot, whenever we read a good thought on...