Tuesday, May 2, 2017

the window to the world on life of a poet interview: Sina Saberi

Can you tell us about yourself?

I’m Sina, from Tehran. I try to discover who I am every day through a journey of self-discovery which has been going on for years now. 

Which country do you live in now? What’s your profession? be general, no need to specify your location...

 I live in Iran, my motherland. I’m a performing artist/interpreter/teacher. Currently, most of my activities are involved with the Performing Arts, specifically physical theater and dance.

We’re happy that you have been part of Poets Rally as a participant, what has driven you to where you are in this particular community? 

My memory doesn’t serve me well enough to tell you when it was exactly that I started taking part in Poets Rally; but I’m sure it was quite some time ago. I always enjoyed the support which was present in this community and it helped me grow from being a person who shares their thoughts on the internet to someone with more confidence in a way.

How long have you been blogging? Do you think being part of a poetry community contributes to your creative writing?

I was blogging even before joining WordPress. I believe altogether it has been about 7 years now. And being part of this community surely helped me with my creative writing.

Why poetry? Do you write fiction too?

I do write fiction as well. I enjoy writing in various forms in fact. There is something about poetry though… It has always come very naturally to me. As you can see, most of my blog posts are in the form of poetry. It feels very familiar. Poetry feels like home.

Please share 3 to 5 blog links you enjoy reading most, give 1 or 2 sentences to tell why you love their creative process.

This one I always enjoy since it provides useful information.

Reminds me of my earlier works. Very expressive.
Heartfelt posts I can easily relate to.

How do you know when a poem is done? your own experiences need to be shared here...

You just know. Once the flow comes to a halt and you have been moved by something, you just know the poem has come to an end.

In my own poem, ‘Beneath Our Eyes’ the lines “You lay silently- To die?” express this eloquently.

How do you decide when a poem is "good"? Do you redo your own poems after they’re posted? it could be poem someone else written...

In any poem-be it mine or someone else’s- The very first lines should have an element of attraction for me to keep reading. And then the flow should keep me move on to the end and in the end, once I’m done with the poem, if I feel something new in my heart, I know it’s a good poem. Also the choice of wording matters to me. I love to see harmony and integrity and hear a euphoric rhythm somehow.

Do you think music and poetry are related? Why?

Absolutely. To me, whenever I’m reading a poem, I ca imagine what kind of music could accompany it. And every song to me is also a poem even if it has no vocals.

What issues are closed to your heart? Women’s rights, child abuses, etc.…name one…

Humanity and Liberation.

What’s your other hobbies besides writing? Do you have pets? Give us a picture if you own a pet.

I take photographs and go to the theater very often.

Please list your blog links below, share 1 or 2 poems that represents best of your poetry talent…
Thanks in advance.

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Image result for happy birthday to sheng 
Image result for happy birthday to sheng


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...



we will not be able to post regularly,
but Yearly, for April Nutrition and a post of interview with one of our poets,

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

lovely thoughts, Sina.

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