Hello, This is Vinay (formerly Leo) from I Rhyme Without Reason, I welcome you to the 41st week of Poets Rally.
Thursdays Poets’ Rally week 41 ( April 07 - April 13, 2011)
Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally week 41:
#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 41 original? Please say YES or NO.
#2: Your entry shall be written for Thursday Poets Rally week 41, if you enter your piece to another online meme in the future or have done so previously, please let me know and mention it in your entry post. Please say YES or NO, thanks.
#3: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, Jingle, Vinay, the hosts, and other Poets Rally officials or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.
#4: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:
1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you either from participants list or from fresh poets to explore list. You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.
#5: If you have answered YES to the FOUR questions above, now you are expected to keep your words. Once you fulfill your weekly requirement, you are formally a participant. Our official Blaga at Scent of My Heart will honor your work by posting your entry poem on Promising Poets’ Parking Lot, (Blogger home), Do you want your entry poem to be published on this site? YES or No, please answer. (This is optional, no punishment for saying NO)
#6: If you are nominated for The Perfect Poet Award, are you going to accept the award, following the rules to post a poem and nominate another previous participant? Please say YES or NO. To avoid frustration, Jingle awards those who said YES…
#7: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.
Please answer all 7 questions, First time participants can simply scroll down to visit participants from this list to meet requirement…you can visit the perfect poet award winners via Jingle’s blog if you wish…Let me or Jingle know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…
Poets Rally Officials, Jingle, Vinay, Jamie Dedes, Olivia, Uma, Riika, Aleza, Kavita and Blaga welcome your active participation and contribution, the linkz will stay open for an entire week, take your time and enjoy!
One quality entry per poet is accepted!
Yes, to all.
Happy Rally !
My first time here. I understand all the rules and yes to them all.
YES, YES, YES to all... Happy Rally to all.. :) and will let you know when I am done.. :)
i have some trouble posting at my blogger account, finally make it work for now...
Thanks for coming to poets rally.
Have fUN!
agreed and looking forward to read all of you...please allow 24 hours to get to you,..
Thanks for the patient.
yes to all!
7 times yes :)
Agree to all.
Will post my poem tomorrow.
I remember receiving perfect poet award in the last rally... but now couldn't find the post where it was mention. Though I Will post the acceptance too.
Agreed ...
Yes to all!
Happy Rally!
Yes x 7. Thanks again for the invite.
Yes to all :)
Glad to be a part of this!
yes!!! yet again :)
I'm done on all posts till Mihir's right now :) so I guess that's 18+. Marking myself as done. Will get to all of the other entrants too :D Rally is always fun, enjoyed last time. Cheers!
Yes to all, and submitted my link :)
My link has been submitted and I agree to all requirements.
Happy Rally Everyone! xoxo
Yes to all... Happy Rally everyone...:-)
Yes to all :)
Yes to all - delighted to be a part
Done with my 18 comments- but there are so many wonderful submissions this week that I'm going to keep reading, my goal is to visit and read all rally participants this week.
My first time as well and I also agree to all stipulations.
Seven lovely YES! Happy rally to all!
My 18 are done but I am not done reading, these are so wonderful!
hey m kool with all of the abv..2 ques though...do we hv any special theme that we need 2 follow?..and can we post old poems already posted on our blog?
Yes to all :)
How exciting to be invited! Yes to all 7 questions although I will only have time to read and comment from Friday evening (GMT) due to work commitments.
Glad to be a part of this once again. Yes to all!
YES to all... i'll post my entry later... :)
Yes to all but #4 and #5
Yes to all and done with our 18, though we will return for as many more as possible !
Thank you !
no, you can write on any theme you choose to, and yes you can post old poetry of yours too.
Yes to all comments and thanks for finding my blog and including me in the list of Fresh Poets.
-John / singingchaos.wordpress.com
Pretty sure I am done and most likey over...a lot of wonderful poets out there. A fun morning!
18+ Enjoyed the Rally. Will continue to read the fine poets. : )
yes to all.. my submission this week.. http://fiveloaf.wordpress.com/2010/12/30/let-it-be-it/
Thank you Vinay.Yes to all .Happy reading!
Rally on!
Yes to all.
Yes to all.....Happy Rally..
Here after a long time.. and it's great to be back!
Vinay, it's YES to all your Qs.
with a fresh moniker- soulprincess :)
Wow, many thought-provoking poem written... okay, all done.. 19 to be exact but will be back for more later tonight.. :)
Thank you for your work here, Vinay. I'm linked in and agree to all points.
Happy Rally days to all ... Poem on ....
yes too all........happy rally everyone...
Yes to All :-)
Yes to all of em'
7 times yes :)
happy rally
This is great, for I get to say my favorite word: YES! To the seventh power!
Happy penning, all.
All Done........it must be some fate but all the poems i have read had the same theme....and it was so good to read cos it fit with what i wud like to read at this moment in my life..
Happy Rally all..
I agree, as usual, and soon I'll join you at Rally... A lucky one for all!
Yes to all.
Yes to all, and thanks for the invite!
Yes to all, glad to be here.
Done! :-)
done! :)
done 18+ :D
Wow lots of great work...I have already read 18 wonderful poems!
Happy Rally everyone!
First Time Rally Poet.
Yes to everything.
Agree to all!
1 yes 2 yes 3 yes 4 yes 5 yes 6 yes 7 yes. to the best of my ability.
do i really have to comment on 18? ill try.
I'm done with my 18(I don't have a lifexD)I'm going to try to read more tomorrow though...
Over 18 thoroughly enjoyed and so i'm encouraged to visit more! Thank you for such a wonderful network of talent x
To all 7 I say...Yes! I am excited to be part of the rally!
Of course I saw yes to all! I'm really pumped to join the rally! :D
Completed my 18 and still going!
And, done!
You guys rock,
Thanks for the tickles.
we enjoy your poetry very much.
bless you all.
Tnanks for the invitation. Wrote a new poem just for you, but then edited it into an earlier (today) serious post about the Sea Butterfly. Hope that's OK! XX
I am done viewing more than 18 superb poems..all were great but some were very amazing and total beauty to thought..
Happy rally everyone!
I nominate
Yes to all Vinay..
Someone is Special
My first time participating, and accept everything as it is. In the last rally I did just that, visit numerous poet site's and commented on their beautiful words. The deadline had gone to enter, but still loved every minute of it. :)
Happy Spring everyone.
I am a little this time, but
of course! yes to all! :)
Have just completed my 18 comments on the lovely new blogs, and I shall be returning later to peruse more for the sheer fun of it. :)
Have fun everyone!
I am done reading 18 :)
enjoyed the Rally :)
My submission this week, as always yes to the rules.
I have succeeded in reading 18 poems. Enjoyed them immensely, there's some fantastic work this week!
Yes to all...and here is my submission. I can't remember if I've posted it elsewhere, in an earlier incarnation...looking forward to the poetry!
Yes to all happy Rally
Also done with 18 ;) Rally on poets!
Wonderful rally week - I am done!
As always - it is a pleasure!
Thank you for inviting me...yes to all the rules.
yes to all...off to read!!
Happy rally everyone :)
Hello, I do accept the terms of the rally. Here is the link:
off to reading, happy rally everyone! :)
done! about 80 back! will keep going...
totally done with the 18, I shall continue if time permits this weekend. Nice work everyone, particularly art of saving, awesome work man!!!
Uhhh, I lost count, but I'm pretty sure I did 18. I'll keep going this weekend, too. :)
Uhhh, I lost count, but I'm pretty sure I did 18. I'll keep going this weekend, too. :)
DONE 18 and still reading . Very nice contibutions this rally, still reading and visiting .
uh jingle, i believe i already commented on the entries of the people who have commented on my entry before they commented on mine. and upon double checking i already have done the 18 comments. so, how is it that i did not return their favor? hehe. =D please re check and message or reply to me. thanks! =D
posted and done more than 18... going for more later... i enjoyed all these poems. thanks for hosting. :)
Yes to all the terms of the rally. My poem is posted. I am working on visiting the 18. Have already done 6.
Done my 18. But as usual there were at least four comments I could not post because the comment box did not offer Name and URL. I do not have gmail or any other with which to post. Wordpress does not recognise my domain even though my blog is a wordpress blog. Curious.
read more than 18 entries, loved all of those... thanks TPT..
Someone is Special
Hello, just wanted to let you know that I have read and commented on at least 18 poems/entries. Thank you for inviting me to participate.
Yes to all..happy to park my wagon here! :)
Also my first time here, I agree to all 7.
Sounds like fun :)
Done - Silvertongue
Am done...but would be reading some more as promised to VInay... :)
I do.. 7 times.
Yes to all! Excited to be doing this for the first time.
Yes to all. Thanks for the invitation.
Comments done.
Done 18
All of my comments are done! Read more than the 18...
It is a privalege to be here among you.
Thanks for reading my posts from a place where even the buses dont run!
Yes to all ...and am done too :-)
Comments done.
Trying to visit more of the poets listed now.
Hey, I'm done! :-)
So enjoyed discovering new poets! thank you (sorry it took me a bit)
YOU guys Rock!!
Done--finally! Sorry I was so late in joining and finishing this time. But I was happy to be here!
I´m done!!! ;)
Yes to all and I will be doing my 18 comments now. Will let you know when I'm done
Thanx for the invite
Yes to all. Commented on 18 maybe more. Enjoyed reading the works that I got to want to come back and read more. Good luck everyone!
21 read, three hours! Luckily I get up early! :-)
Loved reading and have completed my 18 comments
Happy Rally!!!
This is not an entry, just my thanks to Jingle, Vinay and co here at the parking lot for being so wonderful and encouraging. You guys rock!
glh x
Tight, repressed expression,
hidden in the formality of day and duty
fists the lungs
propounding thoughts of escape
exasperated release
creativity floods forth
expanding at the river's mouth
gushing out in search of friends
to share a passion, a love and worth
Promising Poets unite
masterfully propelling wonderful words, tripping, rushing, spinning forwards
captivating, enchanting, charming, delighting and compelling
never done, always stirring
Thanks, and yes to all the questions. This will be fun! :)
Guys, I am working on "Mark you down as done", appreciate your comments and
If you could say, Hi, I am #176, Done, that would save me lots of time.
a few of you have different entry name and comment name, thus if I did not mark you down, please comment to tell me your entry number, thanks a ton.
Happy Wednesday.
You Rock.
Yes to all, and I've already started commenting either under my wordpress address or username...Let me know if I need to do anything different. I'm still really new to all this, my apologies lol :) Thanks for letting me participate!
Yes to all questions.
Thanks for the invitation Jingle, I hope I'm not too late :)
doing the 18 visits now...
#109 am done!!!! :-)
I'm done but.... I don't see my name.. :'(
Yes to all and I have read and posted on 18 poets sights. Thanks for inviting me.
SilverDegene, opened up for you,
we are supposed to be closed, since 3 poets late, I opened up the linkz so that your links are in.
Thanks for the contribution.
I really would like to participate in the poet rally. after saying yes to all of the above, where can i share a link?
Thank you so much jingle :)
Sorry for not posting my number before #186 April Denton done. Thanks again Jingle.
I am done - I do apologize for the lateness in getting my reading done, but we had flooding then a snowstorm which delayed any pleasurable treats!
I am done. Sorry for the delay. I had reading all the poems and I plan on reading more!
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