Saturday, September 17, 2011

Inspiration of the week

Welcome to the new post at The Poetry Palace-"Inspiration of the week". With so many talented poets and amazing poems, every other Sunday we will feature a random poem that has made an impression! I am Blaga and it's a pleasure to be with you!

"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." George Carlin

Jamie Dedes is not only a very talented and inspirational writer, but also an unbelievably good and sweet person. From the little I have managed to learn about her, over the oceans and the mountains that separate us, through the computer wires and musical keyboards, Jamie is a person that I strongly admire.

She says, her blog - "Musing by Moonlight"- "is a celebration of life dedicated to my son and my daughter-in-law in the hope that they will live out their lives in peace, love and safety.", but I'm sure that if you had the chance to visit already Jamie, you will agree with me that her posts are little celebrations for everybody. There is always a word, a song, a saying ... anything, for each taste and comfort.

The poem I've chosen today it's a dedication to the last summer days, to the passionate tango dance on the streets at night. Thank you Jamie for the delight!

A fool's paradise

Pearl earrings and skin against skin as

bare and sleek as a midnight summer -

succulent with the scent of jasmine.

Soulful brimming with dulcet dreams, a

moonscape tango, scattering mythic dust on
hearts entwined around images borrowed

from the silver screen between stolen
kisses. The dance of naive minds, kindred

spirits bent on manufactured expectations -

A fool’s paradise.

If you wish to read more, visit Jamie at "Musing by Moonlight"
Stay tuned for Thursday Rally Poetry week 52: Sept 22-28,
in linkz will be up on September 21, 2011, 10:00 am.


The Poetry Paplace said...

Jamie Dedes, yeah...

she is a superb poet and supporter..



JamieDedes said...

Oh, this is sweet. Touched my heart, Blgag, and made my Saturday evening.

Big hugs to you and to Ji too from across the seas and over the hills. You are both so indefatigably supportive.

Thank you, dear Blaga!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Sorry for the typo ... Love!

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