Sunday, September 18, 2011

Participants Talent Show (Shape Poetry) Week 1

Hello, welcome to Thursday Poets Rally Participants Talent Show Shape Poetry Week 1,  (we will post biweekly from now on, so stay tuned and enjoy the fun!)

what you are viewing is an entry to poets rally week 27  from a talented poet Megzone, you can visit her original post via the link below and read her blog as you wish! have fun!

At Poets Rally,  we practice disciplines, promises keeping, and positive mingling, we also share special talent and learn to improve our own understanding and creative wriitng with our best capacity... 

Megzone has been an active poets rally participants for at least 16 months, we look forward to her return soon....

1 comment:

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

what an enjoyment to see a poet write like an artist,

Megzone, you rock.

keep it up.


hyde park poetry week 161, Haiku to write

          a sample haiku poetry form by others