Saturday, February 4, 2012

Inspiration of the Week 12

Welcome to The Poetry Palace and "Inspiration of the week". There are so much talent wthin the blogsphere and this week I have visited a blog that I am sure will inspire the others talented poets. I am Chimnese and it's a pleasure to be with you.

This poem was written by Hoofprintsn my garden

Pear Planting

January mud seeps
through my jeans
where I kneel in the orchard.
I scrape and cup
loose soil
pulling damp handfuls
from the planting hole.
My fingers break
into an old gopher hole
-- double layer of chicken wire there –
I hold
the bareroot whip of wood
like a stick figure
and scoot dirt around roots
firming and filling
each crevice.
An earthy scent of moist soil
Then, a thick blanket
of composted fall leaves,
old hay
and horse manure.
The roots will wait.
Their spring sleeping
in winter’s warmth.

Please Prepare to Join Thursday Poets Rally week 62,

Wednesday, 10am, February 22 to February 29, 2012! We are taking a break, free from poetry palace for two entire weeks, cool deal for me and you, ENJOY!

Until then, Happy February!

A Free Verse Is Accepted in our biweekly rally, Every Poet Is Welcome!


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

wise choice, Chimnese,

we are taking a two week break,

see you next time...

Happy Saturday.

Oak Creek Ranch said...

Thank you for using my poetry!! Enjoy your time off -

Maggie Patti Barbara Frankford-Walton said...

your poetry is cool.

hyde park poetry thursday poets rally week 164, places to Visit This Coming July Month

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