Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thursday Poets Rally Week 62 (Feb. 23-Feb. 29, 2012)

  place it in your blog if you wish, Happy Rally.

Happy Spring, Everyone!  
Welcome BACK to Thursday Poets Rally Week 62, 
Hope that you have enjoyed the break!!!

Thursdays Poets’ Rally Week 62 (Feb. 23-Feb. 29, 2012)

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally Week 62:

#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 62 original? Please say YES or NO.

#2: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.

#3: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:

1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you from participants list,  You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.

#4: If you are nominated for The Perfect Poet Award, are you going to accept the award, following the rules to post a poem and nominate another previous participant? Please say YES or NO. To avoid frustration, AVa awards those who said YES…

#5: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.


Please answer all 5 questions, First time participants can simply scroll down to visit participants from this list to meet requirement…you can visit the perfect poet award via the link below…Let me or Jingle know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…

Week 61 The perfect Poet Award Winner list can be found at

The linkz will remain open for an entire week, take your time, do make at least 18 comments to your peers and LEAVE A COMMENT under this post to let us know after you are done.  ;)


Promising Poets Parking Lot said...

Hello, Poets,


This week, let's do an experiment, poets rally officials will NOT send out email invitations,

so everyone is welcome,

if you follow this blog, you shall know the rally is up,

if you wish to participate, then submit and enjoy.

we refuse to do competition with fellow blogging community in blind senses, what's the purpose?

it does not matter how many entries we have, those who come shall fulfill the requirement and enjoy truly, thus...

let's enjoy the party.

br!nDle said...

yes to all...:)

Susie Clevenger said...

Yes to all

Chèvrefeuille said...

I love to be part of it.

poetryroad said...

Yes to all and I think this is a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all. :)

booguloo said...


Anonymous said...


CC Champagne said...

Yes, yes and to everything yes!

The Poet said...

Happy Thursday everyone!
Yes to everything!
Have a great week all!

No Anguish Or Pain

Tigerbrite said...

Good to see the rally again. This comment is for 'Appetite for Words' on Good Old Days as my profile was not there to click for comment. "This was when I grew up too. People saved tinned food in case of nuclear attack. As I recall there weren't so many fat people then as we got more exercise by walking to places and playing outside in most weathers. After a snow fall we would wrap up warm for a walk in the countryside to take in the beauty of it."

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Yes to all. Glad to be back :)

Unknown said...

yes to all ...and thank you x

Beth Turner said...


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

new here, will try my best soon to fulfill the commenting requirement.

Anonymous said...


would love to commit.

Happy Rally.

Azalia Suhaimi said...

Yes to all! Happy Rally. :-)

Anonymous said...

YES to all 5! Happy Rally! I missed writing for the Thursday Poets Rally. Happy to be back. :)

Mark Butkus said...

It's good to be back and stumbling upon some great, under-appreciated, under-read poetry.


Mark Butkus

becca givens said...

Seems like forever ... Yes to all ... Happy Rally!

Anonymous said...

yes to all.

way to go.

Thoughts Not Lost said...

Yes to all.

Happy Rally!

Eleaine Sarah Thomas Jobs Bush said...

it is great to be here,

way too hard in some way to comment,

but it worth the time.

Anonymous said...

greetings from Austrilia, glad to discover poets rally here...

shared one, hope to receive your encouragements.

Deborah Schmidly said...


Happy Rally....

ZQ said...

Yes to all...Vroom, Vroom

Paul said...

Yes, and thanks...

Marissa Biden Sergey Christina Murphy said...

love this place,

yes, please.


Unknown said...

18 absorbed ,,,enjoyed ...digested and stored away to be savoured ...thank you ..may sneak back for more soon x

Eleaine Sarah Thomas Jobs Bush said...


added another fabulous lady's story here.

Anonymous said...

Happy Rally.


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...


I am getting out of town tomorrow,

so will see you later in the afternoon.

have fun in the rally.

Anonymous said...


Noticed that your blog name has changed to

Hyde Park Poetry,

great one,

yes, I will comment soon.

happy rally.

ZQ said...

DONE...but, what a strange experience. Some sites looked like personal "pitches" without anything creative other than their BIO...
I guess that is a form of "art" :-)

booguloo said...

Yeah what's up with these bio's?

Karen said...

Yes to all! My first time here and it's great!

jennifaye said...

Done visiting the blog sites. There were many beautiful pieces of poetry. I loved reading more than 18 sites. :) I also agree with what ZQ said. That was strange indeed -- personal pitches.

Mark Butkus said...

Halfway there... This week it is a case of quality over quantity. Well done poets!


Mark Butkus

Kate Snape said...

Yes to all =) xxxxxx

Jingle said...

well, I try to support, although I am in a breaking mood.

So forgive me if I could not visit you.

Anonymous said...

great opening.


br!nDle said...

on my way to 18+...
feeling great...:)

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

will try to make comments,

yes to all questions.

Glad to see really back.

Die Reise meines Leben said...

Yes to all! Great to be back! Enjoy the rally, everyone!

Anonymous said...

I have completed my readings ...

As always - I will continue onward. I love Poet's Rally entries ... :)

The Poet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark Butkus said...

Nice to see all the poems that came online over the weekend. Good reads, good words.


Mark Butkus

Anonymous said...

Done with the 18+
Glad to be back, this was a good week

Meena said...

It is a beautiful poetic thought

Becky Sain said...

I've missed you my dear jingly friend. :-)
Glad to be here and glad to have something to share.

Teresa Marie said...

Yessssss :)

Belva Rae Staples said...

I'm glad to be back! I hope you enjoy my poem: Let's Make a Toast. It's a little sad, yet funny, as well. I like the new name: Hyde Park Poetry. It has a nice ring!

Anonymous said...

Yes to all.

Happy Rally!

tigercity said...

Hi I agree to all.. my latest entry is about hope and surprise.. it's called "warm as hell"

Anonymous said...

yes to all and I apologize to being so late to the ball!

Shail said...

I do hope Blogger poets take off the word verification feature. It takes up so much of your valuable time and is hard to get right for those with bad eyes. It is very discouraging, especially when you want to go around reading and commenting on a lot of poems.

Approving of comments can be used in its place. Please do consider.

Shaun said...

Yes to all. Thanks for reading.

Anonymous said...

This is my award acceptance link. Thank you once again for your kindness and love! :):)

Anjum Wasim Dar said... all the questions

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Completed visits

Anonymous said...

keep it up.

The Poet said...

I'm done with 18+.

I've also changed my blog address. Please can you change my entry in #32 to show my new address:
No Anguish Or Pain

Elaine Danforth said...

OK-- I am only now seeing a pop-up comment form-- I will retrospectively say YES to all 5 agreement questions, and I finished reading and commenting on my 18 last night.

Thanks for another wonderful array of writing, fellow poets!

hyde park poetry poets rally week 158 . Happy Holidays ahead, december 25, 2024 to january 1, 2025

        merry christmas on december 25, 2024,     morriston, new jersey, it has top 9 beautiful tree   large tall tree lightens Austin citiz...