Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Perfectly Charming Poet Award for Week 66

The Perfectly Charming Poet Award for Week 66...

Emmett wheatfall: http://emmettwheatfall.com/

Ina: http://inaweblogisback.wordpress.com/             

Daydreamer Too: http://daydreamertoo.com/

The Mirror of Truth: http://zenmirror.wordpress.com/

Dreams Flow: http://dreamsflow.wordpress.com/             

Disjointed Rhymings: http://disjointedrhymings.wordpress.com/       

The Gateless Passage: http://gatelesspassage.com/

A Journey Called:  http://wanderer-onestep.blogspot.com/                          

The Tickly Turtle:  http://ticklyturtle.wordpress.com/

Mind Singer: http://mindsinger.com/

Bended Spoon: http://bendedspoon.wordpress.com/           

Terri: http://terri0729.wordpress.com/                 

Kaysalady: http://kaysalady.wordpress.com/      

Poetry and Ice Cream: http://normamartiri.wordpress.com/         

My Worthless Words: http://worthlesswordsforever.blogspot.com/          

C. L. Starich: http://clsostarich.wordpress.com/            

Richard King Perkins II:http://www.wordfresco.com/

Amy: http://www.circlingthecuckoosnest.blogspot.com/             

Heart of Expression: http://4valentines4words4poetryforyou.com/


Rules to Accept the Award: 
Put the logo on your blog under your poets rally entry or any poem post before or on next rally. 
Post a poem (or a Haiku) under the logo. 
Tag The Poetry Palace to link back to This Award Post.
Nominate One Previous Participant or current participant and leave the nominees link to their blog and you're done! 
Please copy and paste your acceptance post link in the comments section of post.
A sample award acceptance is linked here:


Maggie Patti Barbara Frankford-Walton said...

have fun today, promising poets.


Lord Emmanuel said...

Here's my contribution. Happy Rally y'all. :)


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...


Anonymous said...

I am honored to accept Thursday Poet's Rally's Perfectly Charming Poet Award. My acceptance post is attached to Eternal Sphere. I nominate: Poetry and Icecream

Teresa Marie said...

Thank you so much! I am very honored. My acceptance link is here:
and I nominated Charles Mashburn

Anonymous said...


Magdalena said...

Thank you! :D Here's my acceptance: http://magdalenahermanstories.wordpress.com/2012/04/18/the-usual-unusual-moaning-of-mine/

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

where is everyone?

Anonymous said...

My acceptance link is here http://jennifaye.wordpress.com/2012/04/19/stellarium/

Again, thanks for the award. I nominated Blue Platypus for the next one.

Anonymous said...

Thanks you. Here's my acceptance: http://ticklyturtle.wordpress.com/awards/
I do apologize for the late response.

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