Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hyde Park Thursday Poets Rally Week 75 (October 18 - October 24, 2012)

Greetings, Poets! Ocean Deep Thanks To Your Previous Support! And
Welcome to Thursday Poets Rally Week 75.

Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 75  (October 18- 24, 2012)

Please read and answer the following questions before participating Poets Rally Week 75:

#1: Is your poem for Poets Rally week 75  written by yourself? Please say YES or NO.

#2: By linking your poetry in, you are automatically a participant, which implies that you allow Poets Rally officials, including Morton Monoca Evans,  Sarah Glenwool Bush, Riika Shawn Henry, Bristo Zach Jiu,  Chimnese, Aya Gugles Wilson, Mia, Leo, Jamie Dedes, Ladynimue, Uma, Kavita, Olivia, Riika, Blaga, and Victoria,  Constatin,  Raun or participants unlimited access to your blog posts during the week, and you will NOT complain about how often people have visited or commented for your work. Do you agree? Please give a clear YES or NO.

#3: To be counted as active poet next time, you must meet the requirements:
1): Return favors to those who have commented for you,
2): visit and comment for 18 poets that are NEW to you  from participants list. You have 7 days to make a minimum 18 comments, take your time! Are you going to fulfill requirements with your best knowledge? Please say YES or No.

#4: As a participant, you are representing Thursday Poets Rally, no personal biases, no negative comment, or email gossips are encouraged or tolerated. You are expected to follow the rules, focus on public commenting and encouragement, you do your own contribution, and respect decisions made by fellow poets or Poets Rally officials…Are you willing to work on building a positive, encouraging, and respectful poetry community by being modest, cool, and professional? YES or No, Please respond.

Please answer all 4 questions, First time participants can simply scroll down to visit participants from this list to meet requirement……Let me  know after you are done… with this agreement, we are clear about our duty and complaints or potential issues are avoided…

Follow Us on Twitter: (500 or more followers ;))

The linkz will remain open for an entire week, take your time, do make at least 18 comments to your peers and LEAVE A COMMENT under this post to let us know after you are done.  ;)

One Quality Entry is preferred, Thanks a Lot!


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

sorry for the delay,

Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...

yes, happy Rally.

Living with Poetry, poems by Asim Kumar Paul said...

Happy Rally

Anonymous said...

Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...

let me check,

have fun!

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

awesome ...

have fun, yes.

Anonymous said...

glad to see it up,

Happy Rally.

Gigi Ann said...

Love the butterfly...

Anonymous said...

sharing someone else's work.

Anonymous said...

the butterfly is cute.

Malia Craig Tagg Lawrence Page said...

happy rally.

Anonymous said...

Been a long while, happy rally everyone, I gonna check back later :)~ Have a wonderful day ahead =D

Lotie Bollag Mosher Kloppenburg Romney said...

happy rally.

Anonymous said...

done 18+,

have fun, everyone.

The Morning Bell said...


Anonymous said...

four yesses. i will come as and when ji. only for this week.

The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes...
It had been a long while since I am in here... Time for sharing and reading again...

The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said...

I am done with 10...Shall be back later for more... See you guys around.. :)

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

I'm not new, but yes to all and will visit 18

Anonymous said...

Yes to all:)

Anonymous said...

happy rally.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes, happy rally.

Anonymous said...

start reading now.

Alissa Meredith Jill Osborn Schapiro said...


K. Shawn Edgar said...

Super stupendous saucy rally! Rally for Life!

K. Shawn Edgar said...

Write Read Rally!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

been scanning now.

Anonymous said...

happy rally to all.

K. Shawn Edgar said...

Rally ho! So many good contrebutions.

Sayantini said...

Apologies for the late reply...was busy commenting on my fellow blogger's posts!!

Lexi Woods said...

definitely yes.

sasha said...

happy rally.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

Happy Rally.

Mish Foster said...

yes, happy rally.

Viola Cohen said...

happy rally.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes happy rally.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

happy rally.

Anonymous said...

Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...

glad to see these charming entries.
keep those shine.

Abbey Michael Boyle Blount Fallin said...

Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...

i am busy, but will find time to read. soon.

Bing Yap said...

yes to all 4 and i have posted... it feels so nice to be back.

happy rally to everyone!

Elizena said...

Yes, to all questions. Thanks for the opportunity!

Bing Yap said...

i've done my rounds... fully complied now (18+).

Bing Yap said...

just a note... i think my comments in wordpress blogs went to "spam"... i can't see them posted.

dsnake1 said...

I am in. :)

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

let me see what's going on.

Happy Rally.

Aya Wilson said...


Happy Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...

I scanned many.

Anonymous said...

Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...

All done with the commenting. Some lovely poems out there

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

done 18+!

Anonymous said...

happy rally.

Anonymous said...

done 18+


Anonymous said...

Yes, Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...

done 18+.

Abbey Michael Boyle Blount Fallin said...

got another round on blogger entries.

Anonymous said...

Yes to all -- Happy Rally!! It's good to be home from a month of traveling!! :)

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

yes, happy rally.

Eleaine Sarah Thomas Jobs Bush said...

yes, happy rally.


Eleaine Sarah Thomas Jobs Bush said...

done 18 +

Anonymous said...

yes, and done 18+!

Anonymous said...

yes, and done my 18+!

Anonymous said...

getting it done now.


Abbey Michael Boyle Blount Fallin said...

my final dip in poetry rally.
Thanks for hosting.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

trying to visit.

Elizena said...

Done reading and commenting on my 18 and they were all fantastic, now to continue.

Anonymous said...

another around,
Glad to read.

Anonymous said...

Happy Rally.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

done my commenting of 18+.


Anonymous said...

Happy Saturday.

Alissa Meredith Jill Osborn Schapiro said...

keep in going.

Anonymous said...

festival rally.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

fun rally.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

glad to see it up and run so fully.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

returned here.
what a rally.

hyde park poetry palace rally on Thursdays week 165 , international nutrition month in april, march 31 --> april 30, 2025...(2013-->2025)

   hello, our fellow ladies and gentleman,     it has been 13th time to recall a good theme on this spot, whenever we read a good thought on...