Sunday, October 14, 2012

Participants Talent Show Week 24:Bijaylaxmi, Judy Underwood, Chasing Rainbow

This blogger called Bijaylaxmi  writes poetry, prose, and short fiction , his talent is high and enthusiasm is deep, admirable job in writing with passion and mind...

Keep it up!

Shall I make you understand life, how dear you are to me! 
What am I..! I am but a  bunch of colored balloons and you are free flowing air. 
Certainly I will move your way. Truly I enjoy floating on you. Holding your secure but secret hands I am so happy! I cherish for you always and each and every breath of mine kisses you. 
Do you have any complain finding a really crazy companion! 
Yes, I am garrulous and my words melt with summer ice. 
But to my utter surprise something very important always remain unsaid and someone comes up from somewhere to help me explaining what I really meant to say. 
And you know how I am inattentive while walking, fall and get hurt several times on footpaths! 
Then someone comes from somewhere to give me support to stand firmly. 
You know, whom I am talking about! 
And now you must be getting surprised at my ability to fly! Isn't it!
Truly life, no more I am floating on you. I have learned flying and that is only from you. 
I am flying towards the rainbow visible in far horizon. Can you see it! 
Now I am going to take you to the mystic land of colors where your sparkles will only be touched by glory of heavens. And you will find me one with the wonderful colors. 
Then I will declare you O' my modest companion as my own. 
Until then, run with me, run fast with me.. Time is short and our horizon is far...... 
Let's touch the rainbow together.....

hyde park poetry palace rally on Thursdays week 165 , international nutrition month in april, march 31 --> april 30, 2025...(2013-->2025)

   hello, our fellow ladies and gentleman,     it has been 13th time to recall a good theme on this spot, whenever we read a good thought on...