Monday, October 15, 2012

The Window To The World On Life of A Poet Week 24

Can you tell us about yourself?

I am a oncology nurse working in a local hospital. I am married with kids and I am 49 years. Next to my work I write HAIKU since the late eighties and I have written two novels (in Dutch). I am living in the Netherlands.

Which country do you live in now? What’s your profession? be general, no need to specify your location...

I live in The Netherlands and I am a oncology nurse. 

We’re happy that you have been part of Poets Rally as a participant, what has driven you to where you are in this particular community?

Well ... what shall I say. I love to share my poetry with the world and Poets Rally was one of the ways to do that. I also publish on my own weblogs and on Wonder Haiku Worlds (an international haiku website). 

How long have you been blogging? Do you think being part of a poetry community contributes to your creative writing?

I think I am blogging now for five years with a lot of pleasure. I think contributing my poetry to a poetry community is helping me to become a better haiku poet and more creative.

Why poetry? Do you write fiction too?

I love to write haiku, because in a haiku you can say so much with so less words. I have written two novels (in Dutch).

Please share 3 to 5 blog links you enjoy reading most, give 1 or 2 sentences to tell why you love their creative process.

The first one is my own weblog. It's the base for my work and next to that one I have several other weblogs. All on poetry and of course haiku.
The second one has brought me a lot of inspiration to share my haiku there. Last year (December 2011) this website published an anthology in which haiku of mine where published. That anthology has brought me International fame.
The third is a weblog which gives his visitors the opportunity to write and publish their own haiku with a given prompt. This month this weblog has the September Heights Haiku challenge, in which I have to write a haiku on a given prompt every day.

How do you know when a poem is done? your own experiences need to be shared here...

I don't know that ... it's a feeling. Sometimes I re-write my haiku, but that's not common to me.

How do you decide when a poem is "good"? Do you redo your own poems after they’re posted? it could be poem someone else written...

A haiku is 'good' when the feeling I had at the time that the scene occurred is enclosed in it. And of course a haiku is 'good' as all the rules heve found their way in it. Sometimes I redo my haiku after posting, but that's not the way I work. When a haiku is done ... it's done.

Do you think music and poetry are related? Why?

Yes I think that music and poetry are related. Music can inspire me to write haiku.

What issues are closed to your heart? Women’s rights, child abuses, etc.…name one…

All what matters are issues to my heart. But especially caring for other people and give them the quality of life they need to have. Next to that nature is one of the issues I care for too.

What’s your other hobbies besides writing? Do you have pets?

Next to writing haiku ... I love to read, paint and make photographs. I don't have pets anymore. Several years I had to let go my dog ... 

Please list your blog links below, share 1 or 2 poems that represents best of your poetry talent…

Mount Saint Michel
at the shore of Normandy
once an island
once an island
now connected with the land
stepping stones

Thanks in advance.

I enjoyed this very much. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell a little bit more about myself.


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

keep it going.

Chèvrefeuille said...

It's a honor to me that you have published this interview with the world. Since the beginning of October I have a new weblog Carpe Diem on this weblog I host a daily haiku meme. It's an adventure and a joy. You can find this new haiku meme at:


Chevrefeuille (nom de plum of Kristjaan Panneman)

Anonymous said...

way to go.

hyde park poetry palace rally on Thursdays week 165 , international nutrition month in april, march 31 --> april 30, 2025...(2013-->2025)

   hello, our fellow ladies and gentleman,     it has been 13th time to recall a good theme on this spot, whenever we read a good thought on...