Friday, November 9, 2012

Insipration of the Week 27: Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice:

This poet writes with honesty and passion, keep reading!

we used to know each other like
we knew the back of our hands
every line, every flaw, and the
color constantly changing as
the years wore on and the sun
took its toll.
we used to know each other like
we knew the sound of our voices    
every nuance, every inflection, and the
youthful vivacity gradually disappearing as
childhood faded away and stress
took its toll.
we used to know each other like
we knew our appearance in the mirror
every pimple, every flyaway, and the
reflection growing more and more alien as
we lost and found ourselves and life
took its toll.
i guess that’s life
but sometimes i miss the days when
we could stare up at the clouds and
let ourselves float away–when our
appearances didn’t matter
grades didn’t matter
life didn’t matter
but now they do, they do and
we don’t know each other (as well) anymore.
Miss you, Jess : (
visit her @ , it’s a load of sunshine.


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

way to go, fire and Ice.

Anonymous said...

a creative piece, well penned.

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