Monday, March 31, 2014

A Walk On Nutrition Factors and Free Verse At Hyde Park Poetry Via Thursday Poets Rally (Week 78): Join Us Today To Pave A Healthy Habbit

Good Morning, Poets, Bloggers, Friends, Supporters, and Creative Writers:

It has been a while since we run our poets rally last time, I regret that we won’t run regularly, yet, there is exciting news, I decide to do a special prompt with theme on NUTRITION factors, those of you who are interested in can spend time researching and writing on our theme, and submit your work via provided Inlinkz below.

You have about 4 weeks to work out your entry, the submission is from today to April 30th, 2014, which means you have enough time to make your effort, this helps you improve your creative writing skills by writing for a theme, the topic could be anything related to nutrition.
In case you have trouble writing for our theme but still wish to submit your poetry, you can choose sharing a free verse and a poem related to creation, relation, education, location, and occupation, etc.

The offer is open to the public, Two entries Per blog link please, One for our theme, another is free verse, random poetry or haiku, you are encouraged to fine tune your entry and meet the requirement before submitting, our officials will format your work into a book form, we expect about 100-300 entries, we will publish your talent of poetry as a book, it is independent publishing and NON-Profit, which means that  we won’t charge you but won’t pay you either, the bookstore or online booksellers might earn a profit, but they will never pay our officials or you. And the finished book selling link will be provided to you by end of June , 2014, have fun, good luck!

Instruction to your submissions:

Make sure to:

#1: read and follow instruction, make sure you know what you are doing.

#2: once you have written a free verse or a poem on our theme (no more than 30 lines each poem, copy and paste it to your blog, post it, then submit to our special offer prompt,

#3: upon your submission, make a comment under the post, saying:

Hello, poetry rally officials, I agree to have my work published in your Walk Around Nutrition Factors and Free Verse More Project, along with

Title of your entry,
Name in which you wish to appear in the book,
Blog link,
Poem content,

#4: read and comment for other entries to get inspired, no obligations on this one!

A sample poem on nutrition:

No Free Food and Shelter

Birds have free food and nest
Foxes hve free food and holes
Alas, men have no
Free food no free house.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Happy Belated 4th Birthday To Thursday Poets Rally at Hyde Park...New York London Paris Chicago..Etc.


The following is a sample of poetry rally run by Jingle about 4 years ago ...

An Update On Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 2 (Jan 21-27, 2010)

Welcome, Poets and Poetry Fans:

I wanted to thank YOU for the responses to Thursday Poet’s Rally Week 2.

To be able to be eligible for week 2 participants, you must:

#1: Post a poem on Thursday, January 21, 2010 in YOUR OWN BLOG.
#2:  If you are a week 1 participant, make sure you have already commented on 12 fresh Blogs before you  become active on week 2. (Without fulfilling requirement of week 1, you can not request as a participant in week 2, I have to be fair to those who do working hard to send out encouragement and cool notes to other poets via commenting.)
#3: If you are not a week 1 participant, but you are a poet and want to join in, please feel free to join us by commenting on this post.
#4: I love comments, please feel free to comment and let me know what you think. I value your ideas very much. Thank YOU in advance.
#5: Please  visit both participants and fresh poets from the following links, you may discover new blogging poetry friends or simply enjoy reading their special poems for Thursday Poets’ Rally week 2. They love comments and dedicated to advocate poetry, poetry reading & writing, and new poets promotion a great deal.
No obligation to be come a member. You can join in any week by commenting.  Once confirm that you want to be IN, then you have to be serious, I trust your WORDS and wish you best of luck on blogging, writing and  reading. Cheers, ;)

Week 2 Participants:

William Manson
My Walking Path
58 INCHES, Jessie Carty:
The CottageGirl:
Shiteki Na Usagi, Haiku Blog: (first poem) (job done, ready for week 3, ;) :))
Bonjour Poetry:
You are never alone: (ready for week 3, hooray, ;) ;) )
Let’s talk about anything:
The Girl In Me: (job done for week 2, ready for week 3, ;) :))
Pat: (her third poem)
A poem named “Jingle” by Pat: (her 2nd poem)
JP Beaty: poem)
Jamie Thorne: (Hurray,  Jamie has done her visits to 12 blogs today, ;) ;))
Beth the Doubtfulpoet:
Utopian Fragments:
Moondustwriter’s blog:
waystationone: (brian miller has done his job, ready to rock for week 3, ;) ;))
Special Thanks to KJ Who Is Gifted in poetry and wrote a poem for Jingle:
KJ’s Blog:
Special thanks go to William a poet who comment for Jingle every single day:
William’s Public Poetry:
Jingle’s Poem for Thursday Poets Rally:

Twelve (12)  fresh poets to explore in week 2:

Bonjour Poetry
Area of delayed decay
broken satellites wondering
Realitylivingnkc’s blog
Michael’s deep thoughts
Kseverny’s Blog
Letters from Trieste
Raw Substance
Keymus Blog

For more information about Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 2, please visit:
For information about Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 1, please visit:

hyde park poetry thursday poets rally week 164, places to Visit This Coming July Month

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