Saturday, March 28, 2015

referring to week 81, inspiration of the week (32)

and we have our inspirations of the week given to two supportive poets who blog and pass sunshine to our rally on daily basis, thanks!

Lemon Pine So Sublime (A Narrative Poetry Form)

never knew how sweet a friend could be,
they soften our bone like cake icing free,
when we were questioned by assumptions so real,
our soul is decorated with kindness peel,
imagining i slide through lemon pine,
I'm greeted by the smells so sublime.
not to decline the open mind of Minfine,
won't be able to overlook inflamed bon fire,
life has grown wings to fly,
to unearth beautiful virgin places of empire,
i let everyone's poetry caress me,
as talents and love surpass ecstasy,
since all of us capture life like ocean wave,
each being is unique as princess Marissa's silhouettes concave,
literally we travel on a pine cone with an abstract mood,
so that we can sample the hardest ground,
in half/whole notes of Mozart music food,
suppose we're stuck together on lemon pine,
emotional episodes of friendship shall feel so sublime.


You will leave, when it’s time.
Not a single second soon.
You will see what you will see.
Not a single scene left out.
You will be with whom you will.
Not a single soul would fade.
It’s a story that’s been told-
Upon centuries on end.
It’s been written someplace else-
Where we’ve never ever known.
It’s a telos, so-called fate!
Something doubt cannot attain.
Can you see beyond the seas?
Can you capture something true?
The ocean’s draught; the fire’s cold-
Is that something you could feel?
The weaves of thunder, silent waves-
Are they things you can behold?
A naked soul, a loving heart-
Would you leave right at the door?
If you knew it were tomorrow-
Would you leave it all aside?
That which pained your every second;
That which tore apart your hope?
Would you smile upon the lies-
That you’ve told, you will have told?
Would you be what you have been-
That you have hidden, have not shown?
Can you breathe upon this breeze-
That is here this very moment?
Can you see that which is present-
This thing that’s to be seen?
Will you be with me this second-
Will you leave right now? It’s time.
© Sina Saberi – 12 May 2014


Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...



Anonymous said...

wise choices.

Anonymous said...

wise choices.

Anonymous said...

beautiful poems.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

way to go.

Anonymous said...

perfect words and thoughts,

love the first poem best.

Benjamin Kingery Loomis Roy Moore said...

amazing poetry.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...


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